Thursday, May 27, 2010

Church Anniversery Quotes

Plant Is there enough?

foresters and industrialists are worried about the timber resource in the years to come. That's why forestry cooperatives and softwood sawmills are organizing a symposium entitled "Need wood of softwood lumber industry"

Saturday, June 19, 2010 at
the tent "conference" behind the point home

Indeed, softwood lumber mills have made substantial investments to develop the plantations set up by the forest owners between 1950 and 1980. These mills, initially distanced by Scandinavian industries have adapted their equipment, innovation, open markets to enhance the production of woodland planted since the last war.
Some, among the largest French industrial Jean-Claude SEVE (Group MONNET SEVE), Pierre PIVETEAU (PIVETEAU Group), Philippe SIAT (SIAT BRAUN), Jean-Pascal ARCHIMBAUD (Sawmill ARCHIMBAUD) will witness the evolution of sawmills and market demand.
In addition, Philippe LADEN (CRPF Lorraine-Alsace), and Ludovic Guinard (FCBA) will present the availability of wood in large bulk softwood French: Vosges, Burgundy, Auvergne and Limousin.
For his part, Vincent NAUDET (Union of Nurserymen) will release statistics planting in France and Europe while Michel Moulin (CFBL) will share innovations in planting.
Finally, Jean-Charles Bastien (INRA) will show the advantage of planting material genetic variety, quality improvement and climate change.
Finally, in light of exchange between different points of view of a forest owner (Mark of USSEL), a sawyer (Cyrille DUCRET), a director of cooperative forestry (Lionel SAY) and politician (Jacques REBILLARD, Vice-President of the Regional Council of Burgundy), attempts to sketch some answers.
You will find below the detailed program of the morning:

 9 am 45 Welcome
 10 am Introduction of the symposium and animation Alain Prévosto (CFBL)
 10 am 05 The sawmill resinous
speeches by Jean-Claude SEVE (Monnet SEVE), Pierre PIVETEAU (PIVETEAU Group), Philippe SIAT (SIAT BRAUN), Jean-Pascal ARCHIMBAUD (Sawmill ARCHIMBAUD
~ investments in the sawmill over the last 5 years
~ What type of wood requires the market?
~ size and competitiveness of sawmills
~ The sawing of wood small and medium

 10 am 45 The state of the wood resources:
~ Availability of wood: the case of Limousin and Auvergne by Ludovic Guinard (FCBA), where the Vosges by Philip LADEN (CRPF Lorraine-Alsace)
~ The fall planting in France by Vincent NAUDET (Association of Nurseries) ~
innovative planting techniques by Michel Moulin (CFBL) ~ Advantage
plantations on genetic variety, quality improvement, climate change by Jean-Charles Bastien (INRA Orléans)
 12 pm Workshops discussions with the stakeholders forum and more:
~ Jean-Cyril DUCRET (Group DUCRET)
~ Mark of USSEL (forest owner)
~ Jacques REBILLARD (Vice-Chairman of the Regional Council of Burgundy)

 12: 45 pm Closing Conference followed by a cocktail

You are expected there!

To Cover A Tooth At Home

The cabinet communicates on forest policy of the Government

The Cabinet has issued a statement on forest policy of the government that is operating the declination of the speech of the President of the Republic Urmatt in spring 2009.

A project component of the agricultural modernization law that will soon be submitted to parliament indicated a number of new provisions affecting the forest industry wood.

This document recalls the paradoxical situation of France is a country of the European Union the richest in forests, but also he who saves one of the largest deficit in the trade balance of its timber. He recalled that the objectives are to increase by 40% of timber harvesting in France in 2020, while maintaining the sustainable management of forests.

Among the measures for dealing with forest producers include the willingness to boost the use of wood in construction, development of wood energy and to consolidate the industry. Note also the emphasis on private forests and the effective mobilization of timber indicated in the documents of sustainable forest management (the management plans and rules governing the management). The aid, including tax will now be subject to the obligation to demonstrate the effective exploitation of the forest (see our article on the provisions laid down by Decree 19 May 2010).

It is still the question of implementation of regional plans of forest development to coordinate mobilization efforts on under-exploited forests and the strengthening of inter.

These measures seem consistent, provided they are effectively implemented and monitored.

A final measure, vaguely described in this release, involves us in cons. This strengthening of the combination supply of wood for better sourcing of primary processing industry. Finally! would be tempted to exclaim as the forestry cooperatives where we operate in this way against all odds for over 20 years. Unfortunately, if we look more closely, this statement is too good not to conceal a very different approach we can only deplore.

For someone normally constituted, together supply to better supply industry means to combine forest owners in structured organizations can sign contracts with their supplies users of the material. Well no, the current bill, the reasoning is to multiply the speakers found in private forests, they provide a structuring capacity and guarantees of sustainable or not. That means that tomorrow it will happen ... exactly the same thing today. At best, forest owners who worked directly with only loggers will be encouraged to go through intermediaries whose only value is to provide consultancy to those owners already active. Still be there that these intermediaries justify skill and impartiality enough, that seems absolutely not take into account the texts.

To market, they must go through the system of forest managers who are already served its purpose and in the tradition of the French forest with paradoxical results cited above. Difficult in these conditions to see what benefit can emerge from this measure for the sector. Probably not increase the mobilization of wood from private forests because these players will inevitably toward producers already active and have no interest in exploring high costs of new entrants. The funniest is that logging into the breach to be recognized themselves as forest managers. If their skills in the process of harvesting and marketing are not to question it must ask the question again the appropriateness of the measure under the stated objective. This occupation is already active and widely Ormis grant them recognition that will serve their own interests, this option if selected, will bring clearly not a cubic meter of wood added to the market.

This is the greatest denial that one could imagine the work done by structuring by the French forestry cooperatives for over 20 years. It is dismaying to discover that only in crises generated by the storms that the sector and the government realize the service they provide forest producers, but also the entire industry.

Read the press Cabinet