Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is Rinse Aid Dangerous

Only regret the most?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

; That regret the most?

The death of Annie Girardot? The cons-attack on Gaddafi Benghazi? The appalling spectacle of yet another cabinet reshuffle? John Galliano? All this at a time ... And some more things.

Annie Girardot first. Great actress, if any. I remain her a film by Alain Jessua, with Alain Delon, called Shock Treatment. In a charming Breton thalassotherapy center, rich clients are seeking eternal youth with gold. The secret? The use of blood and fresh tissue taken from Portuguese immigrants (we are in the early 1970s). Annie lies with the Chief Medical Officer (Alain Delon, which is seen frolicking naked in the waves), discovers the pot to the roses, and kill the boss before ending up in jail. Sad end, Annie, but thank you for everything ...

Gaddafi. He has guts, still with its cons-offensive hopeless. This reinforces my belief that it will end up like Hitler giving orders absurd, delusional to analysis (the interview with ABC is a monument: "All the Libyans like me ... those who are attacking me agents of Al Qaeda ") prior to probably blow up the box in his bunker in Tripoli. Do not disappoint us, Muammar!

Redesign. As noted by Laurent Joffrin on France Inter, the day after the presidential address last Sunday, this is the first time a French head of state takes the guise of global turmoil to overhaul his government. Exit the nullissime MAM handover super Juppe who claim to refile Defence Longuet while qu'Hortefeux exchange places with Gueant. Phew! At last, our new ambassador in Tunis shock, the one who insults the local journalists in Arabic as in French and in underwear showing off on the internet, this one keeps its position. With Sarkozy, who expects the worst and the grotesque is never disappointed.

John Galliano. I always hated the fashion world, especially in fashion. Tarlouze bunch of pretentious, ugly clothes and pricey, girls transformed into survivors of death camps. After slipping from John Galliano, anti-Semitic and racist anti-Asian, poor Guerlain and his joke about blacks is to store in the amiable potacheries. Thank you again, John, give me a new reason to hate your pathetic little world.

Rising energy prices. is great, privatization and 'open to competition. " EDF will make us pay the more expensive juice to make a margin on the course it will sell to private (friends of Sarkozy are in the running, including Alain Minc and Direct Energy), which we refourguera at a price much lower, but with a good margin above. Bravo, shareholders, thank you, the European Union and its directives to the liberal idiot, and congratulations to our few remaining media talkative on this scandal.