Thursday, June 10, 2010

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A first in France: an observatory in the price of wood sold by the Forestry Cooperatives

Observatory economic price of timber sold by forest cooperatives was developed by the UNION OF FORESTRY FRENCH COOPERATION (UCFF) as part of a project supported by the inter-WOOD FOREST FRANCE.
This project is to establish an economic observatory common timber prices based on different estimates of the key players in the forestry-wood. These actors are bound by an agreement that commits them to deliver figures relating to the price of wood each quarter FRANCE WOOD FOREST.

Under this agreement, the UCFF led the work that allowed him to reach the observatory of prices of wood forestry cooperatives. It is currently the only actor involved in this convention to have developed a tool for that, fully automated and under a set of consistent data.
Beyond the desirability of the proposed FRANCE WOOD FOREST, the UCFF had long wanted to refine the use of information on volumes and prices of wood to enable forest owners to better assess the market price of wood.
Forestry cooperatives, direct contact with forest owners, have been found that they lacked the price benchmarks for the marketing of their timber. The only reference prices of standing timber, mixing nature of the disparate qualities of wood too, was not possible to conduct effective market research or to understand or anticipate changes in different market segments.
Automated extraction of quantitative information of cooperatives and their centralization in the UCFF had already been tested before this project. This automated extraction was made possible because of the homogeneity of the tools developed in most forestry cooperatives, based on a powerful network of exchanges.
Work in connection with the establishment of this observatory have helped systematize these extractions and develop a method to select and process this information in a consistent manner in order to show a meaningful analysis.

Presentation Tool
Observatory economic price of wood sold by forestry cooperatives sheds new light compared to previous price lists price of standing timber: it is not just a compilation of information on timber sales in all shapes and for different purposes, but applies to actual products, the qualities and specific volumes for a particular use (timber, packaging).
work largely complete within the economic observatory is to select, classify and relate the information consistently.
The data collected are based on the sales invoices in Depending on the mode of sale, product and gasoline.

They are then consolidated through a statistical treatment, which provides uniform information, and thus an aggregation of coherent statistical series.
Observatory delivers two economic indicators on each graph: a price index, to track changes in unit price and an indicator of relevance, with the volume of transactions processed (more volumes, the higher the evolution of Prices highlighted is reliable).
data announced by the Economic Observatory are based on a volume Total sold about 5 million m3 annually, which allows the tool to have in such detail.

prospects Observatory
Through economic observatory, forest cooperatives to forest owners intend to give references on market prices, particularly in terms of actual products for various uses. This tool could become a benchmark of the forest-wood.
In this objective, UCFF committed to publish economic data from the observatory every 3 months for that forest owners have a reliable and consistent pricing of timber.

Download observatory timber prices of UCFF


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