Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rejection Of Breast Implant

New president to continue the development of forestry cooperation

the occasion of the General Assembly of the Union of Forestry French Cooperation, held September 15 in Paris, Marie de Estoile , President of UCFF for 16 years, handed over his duties at the Cyril Picard, elected the same morning by the Board of Directors. Pascal Vine, Director of the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, closed the event by reaffirming its support for the cooperative model and the timber.

The General Assembly UCFF, marked by the appointment of its new President, was attended by over 150 people yesterday. Mary's Estoile passed the baton to the Cyril Picard, involved for many years in forestry cooperation, Vice-President and Director of Cooperative COFOROUEST the UCFF. THE PICARD

Cyril said his desire to continue the work accomplished for 16 years Marie's Estoile as "megaphone politics of forestry cooperatives, in terms of 'promoting the status and values of the collective Forestry Cooperation .

At this gathering, representatives of professional organizations have taken on the modernization of the forestry-wood and wood mobilization. The need for better organization of the sector to meet the supply requirements of industry, was highlighted by each.

Mary's Estoile argued this point, emphasizing the importance of the combination of technical forestry producers: "The lumber producers have less need to organize in the agricultural sector (...) Expand a die is to develop the application, but also the offer because a company will grow faster if the offer is organized. "Cyril

THE PICARD, meanwhile, reiterated the legitimacy of the role of cooperation among forest owners and forest within the industry. He also stressed the value of "gathering" of various professional organizations in the forestry sector: "I raised the idea of a great federation which would be collected upstream and downstream of our industry with a single head, that would be something of a "facilitator" to the government. "

Both also spoke to Pascal Vine, representative of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the need to implement a policy of incentives to forest owners to produce more and thus meet wishes expressed by the President of the Republic during his speech at Urmatt May 19, 2009.

In his closing remarks, Pascal VINE expressed his belief vis-à-vis the cooperative model he called "modern, dynamic and demanding. " He reaffirmed support to the actions of the Ministry of Cooperation and invited the new President to take UCFF already contact the Department to deepen all these subjects.

Mélissa HERVE
Communications Officer of UCFF


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