Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Do Finger Go White

The economy and trade of wood late 2010

At the end of 2010, France Bois publishes Forest his note Tendency:

- economic conditions of wood in the world analyzed by the Timber Trade

- the price development of wood made in France by UCFF

What Is The Best Gaming Motherboard?

TV Spot: I say YES to wood timber to say NO to CO2!

Stir Fry With Noodles And Post Calories

Fight against Climate Change: Use Wood sheet of

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greet Church Anniversery Quotes

Cultural stereotypes: draft

Niveau: intermédiaire / Avance


• Apprendre about different ways to gather information (desk research and survey)
• Make a written report of research results
• Summarize an article
• Ask research questions (develop a working hypothesis)
• Oral presentation of results Search instructions

• All groups will numerals 3 and 4. Then you make a choice between 1 and 2 between 5 and 6.
• Written work will therefore include 4 parts.
• Points 3 and 4 / 5 will be structured and an oral presentation supported by audiovisual aids (powerpoint, displays, ...)
written work. Group work.
What is a cultural stereotype? What forms can take a cultural stereotype? Do a literature search. Check at least three different sources. Develop a definition-description of the concept of "cultural stereotype". Do not forget to mention your sources. Your written work will not exceed 1 A4 typed.
Report writing.
Perform an investigation into the stereotypes. - First determine what / what is your question / theme. What do you know? - Develop a questionnaire afterwards. Determine who will be part of the sample of interviewees. - Pass the investigation. - Summarize the results obtained. In your written work, you include the investigation, the rationale for selection of interviewees and the summary results of the investigation.
3.Comprendre an article and summarize it.
Individual written work.
Your teacher will give you 4 articles on stereotypes. Choose one and make it a written summary. Each student summarizes a different article and then explain the contents of his article to other students. Ask a question research. Group: If you had to do a research on stereotypes, what is your research question? Ask at least two of you based on articles read.
4.Analyser a comic.
Written report and oral presentation.
Group work.
Choose a comic strip in the list you will receive from the teacher and do the following tasks.
1.Lisez comics and summarize the story (max. 20 lines).
2.Répondez. What kind is part of history? Is this a thriller ■ ■
a fairytale
an adventure story ■ ■
a history of science fiction comic story

■ ■
a historical novel a legend?

Justify your answer.
3.Analysez characters. Find yourself stereotypes? Describe the function of the character in the story, character, behavior and why it is called a stereotype.
This will be a formal oral presentation, supported by audiovisual aids (PowerPoint, poster, ...)
5.Analyse and oral presentation.
Group work.
Advertising is an ideal use of stereotypes. Looking for three ads that contain them. Explain the stereotype. Analyze argumentative techniques used by advertising professionals in your ads. You include the commercials and your preparation notes in your search folder.
6.Analyse and oral presentation.
Group work.
National Stereotypes in the French language. How national stereotypes manifest themselves in the French language (eg. In proverbs). Looking in at least 5 examples and explain in meaning. Indicate that you are the most truthful and justify your answer. You include your notes in preparation for your search folder. p. ex. Slip away.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Products For Broken Capillaries On Cheeks

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The King of Comedy.

Sarko finally decides to put an end to months of ridiculous antics. Not knowing what to do to make it interesting, and eager to catch the eye damage exceeded its majority, so it burns the steps of his original script. Redesign anticipated resignation yesterday of the government, to renew a team Fillon "Tightened". What suspense! France 2, the chain of power, has taken the game with some acidity from the guest commentators with a "special" at 13:15 today. The vicissitudes of the Court shall always ramble. It's pathetic. What will become of the cuckold Borloo? Is this the comeback of Alain Juppe? And Kouchner and machine, and something cool?
All these officials are a reflection of the great nobles who squirmed in the ass to Versailles to please His Majesty. The honors, pensions, and it boosts their reason for living. "I would get much better my life in the private ! "Retort when they all has some doubts about their pure dedication to the public. Somewhat the same argument as that advanced by the big bosses and traders crammed bonuses, stock options and pensions hat: "I could go abroad! "I suggest all these puppets to waltz in this way: the top names from private simply flee abroad, and our policy will have to take their place. Viewpoint competence and social usefulness, will we find anything. We would even
substantial savings by fucking all out without compensation.

Monday, November 15 2010

The King of Comedy (continued).

Borloo was no less than I thought. He slams the door and threatens to reconstruct a centrist pole cons Sarko the band in 2012. Good idea, but I wish him a lot of courage to mobilize voters ectoplasmic with a non-existent political machine (the Radical Party!) And competition from Morin and Bayrou. Exit alibis opening. I will not shed a tear over Kouchner and Bockel (well done!), Fadela Amara nor (the received ineffective), but good luck to Rama Yade (because it is pretty stupid and not Gaullist heart). The rest of the reshuffle has no interest, otherwise dropping the masks. Juppe, the "straight man in his boots," the martyr of Chiraquie, to be a mayor of Bordeaux "full time", is sold for flat lens of the Ministry of Defence. The gadget of the Ministry of National Identity goes out the window, his owner Eric Besson was posted as a foil in the Duduche of Finance.
"President of all the French, for those who have not yet understood, is the puppet of the liberal right Atlanticist and management. It was through her and that she has always fought, and he will represent in 2012. Will it all of idiots in 2007 to extend it to the Elysee?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fitness Gym Templates

UCFF or timeliness coppers forest in France

Contents of this issue of October-November of the sheet, media information from the National Federation of Cooperatives, the change of presidency at the head of the UCFF. Mr. Picard

The newly elected, said the policy he intends to head Forestry Cooperatives French. It also contains an interview with Mary Lestoil Presidency founder and present the various speeches at the inaugural general meeting.

Download "Leaf"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mount & Blade Warband 1.011

Le Grand Charles murdered

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Le Grand Charles murdered.

De Gaulle celebrated instrumented De Gaulle, De Gaulle and murdered! (To be read with the accent of the Great Charles). The Memorial Day m'insupporte hype. The tribute paid by Sarkozy and Fillon, visiting Colombey revolts me. Both alumni of the CIA, which have almost finished trashing the French model intended by the General-which, no offense to our postmodern, has not lost its relevance-is gathering at his tomb and uttering empty words ... I would like ghosts exist, and that the spectrum of Man's June 18 come back to haunt both substitutes Petain.

Greek anarchists.

like old times Caserio, Vaillant and others, a few Greek anarchists have tried to take the good tradition of the targeted attacks against the "greats" of this world. The French Dwarf, Mother Tapdur German technocrats in Brussels. Gratifying, but unfortunately missed especially questionable. The anarchists are missing the target by aiming the lackeys of global capitalism. These are his top people need to cover: big bosses, big bankers, businessmen and brokers of all stripes. Once again, the irrational hatred of the state and politics is the game of the world market. The anarchists are the best allies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How To Evolve A Pokemon In Pokemon Deluge

Flyer Murano "Roy Misher" / Photoshop & Illustrator

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wacht Free On Line Salieri Movies

12th G

Space your class.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Best Colloidal Gold Generator


space in your class.