Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mount & Blade Warband 1.011

Le Grand Charles murdered

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Le Grand Charles murdered.

De Gaulle celebrated instrumented De Gaulle, De Gaulle and murdered! (To be read with the accent of the Great Charles). The Memorial Day m'insupporte hype. The tribute paid by Sarkozy and Fillon, visiting Colombey revolts me. Both alumni of the CIA, which have almost finished trashing the French model intended by the General-which, no offense to our postmodern, has not lost its relevance-is gathering at his tomb and uttering empty words ... I would like ghosts exist, and that the spectrum of Man's June 18 come back to haunt both substitutes Petain.

Greek anarchists.

like old times Caserio, Vaillant and others, a few Greek anarchists have tried to take the good tradition of the targeted attacks against the "greats" of this world. The French Dwarf, Mother Tapdur German technocrats in Brussels. Gratifying, but unfortunately missed especially questionable. The anarchists are missing the target by aiming the lackeys of global capitalism. These are his top people need to cover: big bosses, big bankers, businessmen and brokers of all stripes. Once again, the irrational hatred of the state and politics is the game of the world market. The anarchists are the best allies.


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