Sunday, December 5, 2010

What To Wear Theme Traditional

Ségolène and Mount Caramel The King of Comedy

Sunday, December 5, 2010


It was too long for his taste, that it noticed the most, if not to comment on her look more granny and her weight gain. Segolene Royal could do no more. Then she broke down and snitch, I declare myself a candidate Socialist primaries by offering Matignon in DSK. And bam, I'm getting robbed for the 3rd or 4th time. Victim! I am a poor victim! Harassment, conspiracy, intimidation and tutti quanti.
The burglar was found, and does not seem to be an agent of the DCRI. The hierarchs of the Party sigh. Ben finally has perhaps not wrong, the Sego, should buck up bin to designate our candidate ... All for it.

Wikileaks to the rescue of Physofblog.

Nothing really shocking in the "revelations" of the dispensary of Mr. Assange. Anyone who stands a little about world affairs and hears not be fooled by official purring may be surprised. Saudis false bottoms, stupidly conservative Merkel, Sarko authoritarian américanolâtre ... But I'm glad to see that the gossip of American diplomacy merely corroborate what I think and said on this blog for over three years! The sinking


Plans to "rescue" of European countries in crisis to follow in their form and their consequences. General bleeding, social regression and recession at all. But markets are eager for the blood of peoples, those piglets that can be spit out by counting on the complicity of their breeders, pardon their leaders. After Greece, Ireland, Portugal, who's next?
The EU and the Euro were to protect us, we swore. Even Elie Barnavi, the "lou delighted" Europeanist Marianne, eventually the thing to look for a boat drunk, lamenting that there is no governance more lucid, blaming the Germans their selfishness. Elias, wake up, they are not gone mad. It's your dream has foundered. The wreck started when the six founders, instead of creating a confederation of pragmatic interests (Europe according to De Gaulle), have yielded to the sirens free trade and U.S. pressure to give precedence enlargement on integration. That was in 1972. 38 years on a wrong track, it can go up, chief?

fire at Mount Caramel. A helping hand to turn it off?

While France is shivering, Israel bursts of hot and the park of Mount Caramel ablaze.
In September 1989, during a short stay in Israel, I attended another fire at the same place that the authorities had been able to curb their own without calling for help around the world. And if we took the opportunity to remind Netanyahu that it is time to stop construction of settlements in the West Bank? No, no, that would mean ... It is true that the place is beautiful. This would be a shame it disappeared. Not Bibi Netanyahu, the park ...


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