Friday, December 31, 2010

Wooden Fingerboards Europe

The industry looks at the future of Beech

Beech The market continues to deteriorate in France even though wood is a material vogue and other international competitors arrive at the value. This situation is catastrophic for public and private forest owners whose production no longer flows to meet the needs of the forest.

Will be back the situation of the 19th century when 80% of beech trees were harvested in France as a destination for the energy industry?

France Bois Foret, among other inter-national body of collection of the CVO (Voluntary Contribution Required) addressed this issue. She has commissioned a consultancy study strategy for an inventory of these difficulties and propose solutions to get out of this rut. This study can be downloaded in PDF

It does not introduce revolutionary conclusions but some data points that is interesting to remember.

CapDecisif The firm made the observation that beech sawmills in France are very small in size compared to their international competitors. They mobilize their human and financial resources in their procurement function, which does not give them the means to engage in innovation, marketing or sales. These elements are however essential in an economic world where the importance of customers is growing.

By mobilizing their financial resources in their inventories, by depriving these sawmills In addition to investment opportunities and growth.

Among the recommendations of this report it is noted that of promoting the supply contracts to develop industrialization, promote the consolidation of forest owners to organize marketing and resource sustainability.

Many therefore of relevance to our senses in this study. Hope that it will actually move the lines and do not go unheeded as many others that lie at the bottom of cartons of archives.


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