Sunday, January 30, 2011

Clubwear Clothes Europe

Jasmin A smelly? Special

Sunday, January 30, 2011

; Jasmin A smelly?

According Marianne expression "Jasmine Revolution" was first used in 1987, when Bourguiba was landed power by Ben Ali. Is it to jinx the rebels in January 2011 that was released this old thing of the closet?
But do not spoil our fun: apparently, this "revolution" seems to remain within reasonable limits, and in awe of all the potentates of North Africa, Mohammed VI to Mubarak, to our great friend Gaddafi. Remains to be seen which will pull the chestnuts out of fire. For my part, I am inclined to think that wanting the complete eradication of all executives of the RCD, the party of former president of the governing bodies of the country, is a mistake. The Yankees have made the same mistake with Saddam when the Baath took control of Iraq in 2003. Result: they have nothing at all controlled, and the country descended into anarchy. It may be objected that Tunisia is not Iraq (more homogeneous more "advanced", more anything you like), but let us remember the "velvet revolutions" in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. It is most often senior local Communist parties who organized the "democratic transition" and it was the same in France in 1944: if De Gaulle had to turn all heads with more or less as Petain he would have had someone competent to run the country. In short, a little realism is needed. In the meantime, we must congratulate the rating agencies, Tunisia who demoted after the departure of Ben Ali, "the pledge of stability for investors." That makes sense on their part, and is once again proof that capitalism is not incompatible with dictatorships. One model for these people, China!

globalism and Islamism, same fight?

Wikileaks's revelations have confirmed what we could rumble. I do not understand, or bad, why some "experts" such as Jacques Attali, an apostle of liberal globalism, a warm supporter of transatlantic cooperation, acted to "dhimmi honor" (according to expression of secular Riposte) by suggesting that a massive Muslim immigration did not frighten him any more than an Islamization of Europe.
The U.S. Secret Service indeed expect it! For them, the "old Europe is damned and condemned to be inundated by waves from Africa and the Middle East. It must therefore be prepared by adopting a model of "multicultural" (read "communitarian") inspired by the Anglo-Saxon (patriotism less), all in order to maintain stability and regional stowage area in the sphere of interest of the United States. Clearly, it gives more power to the bearded home so they are less aggressive, and they remain pro-American when they take the levers.
Besides, as anyone can observe it in Saudi Arabia, Islam's most retrograde is perfectly compatible with capitalism's most fierce. As sure as communism was soluble in alcohol (but the Islamists themselves are not supposed to drink).
Religion, dough, ultra-conformism: when a bearded man does not bring the towers, it is nonetheless a very good for our "allies" of the Atlantic.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hd700x Hdmi Handshake

Saturday, January 29, 2011

; Guaino's ordeal.
Tel Regulus in the hands of the Carthaginians, the unhappy special advisor Our Awesome Conducator has had a bad quarter of an hour between the legs of journalists France Inter on Monday. It was almost too easy to torture him on Tunisia, with the blunder of Alliot-Marie, or recall the remarks of his boss who wanted the "president of Human Rights" in 2007. The poor Guaino has stepped verbal contortions (realistic policies, not the "realpolitik"), an apology can (if MMA has offered assistance to the regime of Ben Ali on January 11 was just to avoid having too much blood shed). Very funny, or sad, depending. Between bursts of laughter, I asked myself what I could replicate well in its place. And on reflection, that's what I replied:
"Yeah, it's true, this revolution has taken us by surprise, and frankly we fuck. Ben Ali was a corrupt dictator, but he has not done anything but harm to his country (education, women's rights, development ...). A bit like our late ex-boyfriend Saddam Hussein in less and less demented murderer. That is fine, the people angry and the flight of tyrants, but we are now in the fog. Who will keep the store? Meanwhile, agreements Franco-Tunisian still stand, and that's the basics. "
Where are the gazelles?
You've probably noticed that all the magazine covers devoted to the "Jasmine Revolution" have used the same symbol: a young Tunisian woman, perched on the shoulders of his comrades, raising his arm or fist. Since May 68 and its famous unknown, pasionaria blonde that you see on all the vintage photos, it became a journalistic gimmick, reminiscent of the allegory of Delacroix (the "Liberty Leading the People" ). The trouble is that the string is worn and tired, and behind the scenes much less pretty. The blonde 68 was a foreign student visiting Paris, and has VAIT not understand what she was doing there. But at least it was a real picture taken from life, not a setting like the Republican combatant "Fallen sword in hand" on the famous photograph by Robert Capa that has come to symbolize all the English Civil War.
And Tunisia, in all this? Of all the images of crowd movements, you can search for girls. Guys, guys everywhere. And a girl, both of which survives in this country we say so advanced in the Arab world. But when it finds one, not veiled, quickly, she was hoisted on the shoulders of countless young men present, and click! From art to illustrate an event based on his fantasies.
The International rotten.
What a great international organization can hope to count among its personalities as commendable, honest and concerned for human rights, Laurent Gbagbo, Hosni Mubarak, and Druze leader Walid ally of Hezbollah Jumblatt? A hint: Ben Ali has just be excluded (this is normal, he lost power). I help you again: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is among them. Segolene Royal is vice-president this year. Yes, you guessed it: the Socialist International. Jaures, wake up!

Pilgrimage and Flowers of Evil.
They jostle there, they all want to be left on the side of morality: Besancenot, Eva Joly, Serge Moati pending and probably Delanoe (other than himself, it must be to see if his villa at Bizerte escaped the looting). Tunisia, after Cuba, will become a "must" tourism policy. Wishing him not to turn the Mediterranean gulag. Already this corny nickname for Jasmin revolution, it does not feel so good. Since the Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974, a tic of journalists (like the girl on the shoulders of protesters) and above all a media thing mostly concocted at pharmacies close to the CIA: the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Rose in Georgia, or the poppies in Central Asia. When we know the active role, but oh so smart, played by U.S. intelligence in the fall of Ben Ali can afford to be less packed than some columnists. However, admittedly, Tunisians give us a little envy, we French do the same with our "masters." What are we waiting for, anyway?

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Get A3 On Powerpoint

A panel of wood energy to see clearly

Everybody talks about it, brandishes figures, launches statements. Wood energy is talked about more than ever. The Department of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing has published a complete dashboard for this sector of activity:

- the state of the resource

That's what make a note objectivity in the ambient noise which it finally appears not much at the moment. However, a review may be given in this publication: the latest figures are from 2005 or 2006 and are already old. We know that important changes have occurred since those dates and should quickly make an update.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gemini To Velachery Bus Route

In the country of Tunisia Ben Ali

Saturday, January 15, 2011

In the land of Ben Ali (To the tune of generic Candy)
"In Country, Ben Ali,
Throughout Tunisia,
We have fun, dance, laugh,
For the wicked it is gone.
Yes, but in difficult times,
Have a Ben Ali was very useful,
To crush the Islamists, it was Ben Ali!
But one dream and one imagines
Every night she fell asleep,
From a different future for this country,
That rotten or the Koran ...
To drive, the tyrant,
It showed teeth
It is not so easy, not so submissive,
Tu-ni-sia, Tu-ni-sie ... "

Two weight two measures.
Magnificent discretion of our government's response to events Tunisia. What a shame, what a beautiful demonstration of noninterference in the internal affairs of a friendly country! Laurent Gbagbo has a good laugh.

Cope and Jacob on duty?
They want to break the official, and to disgorge a little more employees. Apparently, this does not appeal to Sarkozy, who suspected him of soap the plank in 2012. But it can also harness it to us once again the good old "good and evil" of police questioning. Jacob Cope and we play the villains Liberal Sarkozy and Fillon pose as defenders of social rights. Given the invalidity of any socialist leaders busy themselves eat the nose for their primaries, the Dwarf of Elysium has a boulevard before him.

Finally ...
Lu Marianne this week, quoted by Jacques Julliard, the manifesto of the moderate Muslims of France, headed by Dalil Boubaker, who dare to condemn the last persecution of the Christians of the East. Do they feel the winds of public opinion in Western countries? Not too early. Not long ago, the rabid Houria Bouteldja leader of misnamed "Natives of the Republic, grew bold enough to threaten children's well nice politically correct journalist who asked him declaring substance that they should prepare themselves to be minority at home and be persecuted. Is the hype around a Marine Le Pen with 18% in the polls that encourages moderates to get out of fingers behind?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Clothes Do I Need For Wwe

Anuntis clasele pentru a 12-a

French Embassy in Romania has the pleasure to announce the organization of the eighth edition of the competition for access to preparatory classes for Great Schools in France (CPGE - Classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles).

kindly asking you to disclose information on this contest, so your colleagues - teachers of mathematics and physics, and the best students of your school.

Organised at the initiative of the French Embassy in Romania, since 2004, targets students in grades XII, who have very good knowledge of mathematics and physics, but also a level of basic knowledge of French.
preparatory classes for Grandes Ecoles (Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Mines, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Supélec) provides students, for a period of two years after high school, another way than that proposed by the universities. After two years of preparation, students take the examination for admission to one or more engineering schools. Students who fail to be admitted to a Grande Ecole, after two years of preparation, may continue their studies in a university.
this year CPGE contest will be held at the French Institute in Bucharest and the French Cultural Centers in Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara, simultaneously, on 21 March 2011 starting at 9:00.

Entries for this contest can be made via e-mail at the following addresses, depending on the examination center:
French Institute in Bucharest: Adriana.STOENESCU @,
French Cultural Centre in Iasi: Equipe @ ccfiasi . en
French Cultural Center in Cluj:
Cultural Centre of Timisoara: michel.soignet @, camelia.dumitrele @

Deadline the entries is March 18, 2011, 17:00.

All students enrolled will receive by mail, brochure of this contest.
Attached you will find all information on this contest, for the four examination centers.

Thank you for kindly supporting this action that we want a successful and please accept, Madam Teacher, Dear Teacher, the expression of our whole consideration.
================================================= ================================================== ======================
Madam Professor, Professor,

The Embassy of France in Romania is pleased to announce the organization of the eighth edition of the preparatory classes for the French Grandes Ecoles (CPGE).

Please be kind enough to provide the information regarding this competition to your colleagues - teachers of mathematics and physics, and the best students in your school.

The competition, organized by the initiative of the Embassy of France in Romania, from 2004, is designed for students of Class XII th, having good knowledge of mathematics and physics, but also basic notions of French.
preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles (Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Mines, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Supélec) offer students, for a period of two years after the baccalaureate, another course than that proposed by universities. After two years of preparation, students have the opportunity to support the competition for admission to one or even several engineering schools. Students who are not admitted to a Grande Ecole, after two years preparatory may continue their studies at a university.
This year's contest will be held CPGE at the French Institute of Bucharest and the French Cultural Centers of Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara, simultaneously, on Monday, March 21, 2011, at 9:00 am.

Entries for this contest can go to e-mail at the following addresses, depending on the test center:
French Institute of Bucharest: Adriana.STOENESCU @
French Cultural Center in Iasi :
French Cultural Center in Cluj:
French Cultural Centre of Timisoara: @ michel.soignet , Camelia.dumitrele @

final dates pour l'envoi des inscriptions to the east vendredi 18 mars 2011 à 17h00. Tous les élèves inscrits

recevront seem to post to the binding of CPGE Présentation du concours.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Licence Homemade Trailer In Ontario

The Gentleman Cocody

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Gentleman Cocody.

is the title of an adventure film directed by mediocre Christian-Jaque in 1964, in line with sub-James Bond Franco-Italian cluttering the screens of the time. Jean Marais there aped the "OSS 117" and other "Coplan" in Ivory Coast postcard. The country took its first steps called independent state under the leadership of Felix Houphouet-Boigny, a good student of French Africa. A few years later, development experts speak of a "Ivorian miracle" which was still included in school programs of the 1990s. I remember I warned my students to end, there are 14 or 15 years, about the reality of this "miracle" who did that commodity prices and the ability of the Ivorian leaders to overcome the ethnic problems that arose there as elsewhere in Africa. I had little merit, as the warning signs were ominous: falling world prices of cocoa and coffee in the 1980 devaluation of the CFA franc, a succession of difficult founding father under the guise of "democratic" elections for to seduce the West.
Time passed, the Ivory Coast has been overtaken by reality and knows the chaos since the beginning of the twenty-first century. In the current crisis, the cause seems to be heard if we are to believe the global ruling class and most of the mainstream media: Laurent Gbagbo, president lashed out at its headquarters by the grace of a Constitutional Council orders, is a nasty subject of TPI. The gentleman de Cocody, "is of course the real winner of the presidential election, Alassane Ouattara, still entrenched in his golf hotel in the UN Protection Force and the" Unicorn ", the latest incarnation of our African power . We gladly laugh
websites and programs of Radio Television Ivoirienne glorifying Gabgbo Lawrence, elected "by the grace of God" we grind our teeth while listening to the speeches and demagogic "anti-colonialist" Sieur Wheat-Goude before the Young Patriots, they will care for our fellow citizens (over 20 000 people) potentially hostage to regime at bay.
But can we wholeheartedly applaud the extraordinary mobilization to oust Gbagbo from his throne? The UN, ECOWAS, the major powers, everyone wants the land as soon as possible. How eagerly, suddenly, what a passion for the respect of popular will! Laurent Gabgbo irony can rightly on the morality of Heads of State Africans came to warn him, and the ambiguous attitude of most Western leaders, led by France. A France which has not hesitated to maintain by all means dynasty Bongo in Gabon, which censors a conference potentially disruptive to our great friend Mubarak of Egypt to the Institut du Monde Arabe ... Need we recall the shame of "Gaddafi Circus "Two years ago?
If you look closer, the elections of December 2010 has not been more perfect than in September 2000, which saw Gabgbo oust Laurent Robert Guei. The civil war launched shortly by the supporters of Alassane Ouattara should, according to defense agreements Franco-Ivorian lead a military intervention on our part to crush the rebellion and restore the authority of the Ivorian state throughout its territory. Operation Licorne, therefore, merely dividing the country into two zones, the Muslim north and south of Ouattara Christian animist Gabgbo. The old classic pattern of African civil wars, as always complicated by the subtle ethnic and clan authorities. That's why Gbagbo wants to France, and in fact the main arm of the "plot" to kill him. This is understandable. Ouattara, a former senior official acquired all international economic liberalism, is the ideal candidate for the camarilla wheeler and stateless means that dictate the planet. If one adds to the undoubted irregularities in the voting in the area held by his supporters, any objective observer of the situation will be reluctant to assign the title of "white knight" or "gentleman de Cocody. So, what solution? The score, as in Sudan where will soon rise to a "Republic of the White Nile" in the south, appears logical. But in Côte d'Ivoire more than Sudan, the main wealth of the country are south: plantations, oil, cities, ports. The country would be largely Gabgbo viable. That Ouattara would be a substitute for Burkina Faso. Ouattara is the ideal president to deliver these treasures to the world market, such a division is unacceptable to the great of this world. Gbagbo must go, by all means: it threatens the CFI? It makes him laugh. He promised political asylum? He does not believe, and he is right: if all deposed head of state can be prosecuted and brought before the courts, he has no interest in leaving his palace. We cut their food, until Ouattara and his buddy Guillaume Soro calls for military intervention against him (which was yesterday)? Gbagbo stands firm.
Ivorians and our fellow residents pay the most poorly protected note.

Christians of East and West of cretins.

Our major media Nouvel Observateur head, became interested in the holiday season on the plight of some 20 million Christians of the East, the last survivors of the invasion that swept the Islamic Middle East and the Mediterranean since the seventh century. We may cry, in fact, or "indignation "Looks like Stephane Hessel in his latest pamphlet in three Euro-pipe that word of the question, but I will return later. First, by granting them asylum, it is the least. Then meditating on their status as "dhimmis", formerly the majority, enslaved, and then reduced to minority status endangered by a conquering religion, aggressive, and more and more regressive.
This religion is gaining ground among us, playing the persecuted at the slightest attempt to resist its influence, already imposes its law in areas where it has a majority. She finds many unwitting (?) In good souls howling wolf when few dare to make comparisons with other dark times in our history. Marine Le Pen and is doomed to public obloquy, not without ulterior motives electioneering.
Certainly, prayer is not a street parade Panzer. But I admit that the German tanks scare me less than the cry of the muezzin in the streets of our cities. The first did not pose a political problem at the bottom and technical solved for 65 years, not civilizational and demographic like the latter. A peaceful invasion is no less problematic than a military invasion, whatever Mr. Hessel, I nevertheless share the outrage about the destruction of the social agenda of RSS, which is part of this civilization that I intend to defend. Unfortunately, the idiots of the West are still abundant, and apparently on track for us to publicize the plight of Eastern Christians.