Sunday, January 2, 2011

Licence Homemade Trailer In Ontario

The Gentleman Cocody

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Gentleman Cocody.

is the title of an adventure film directed by mediocre Christian-Jaque in 1964, in line with sub-James Bond Franco-Italian cluttering the screens of the time. Jean Marais there aped the "OSS 117" and other "Coplan" in Ivory Coast postcard. The country took its first steps called independent state under the leadership of Felix Houphouet-Boigny, a good student of French Africa. A few years later, development experts speak of a "Ivorian miracle" which was still included in school programs of the 1990s. I remember I warned my students to end, there are 14 or 15 years, about the reality of this "miracle" who did that commodity prices and the ability of the Ivorian leaders to overcome the ethnic problems that arose there as elsewhere in Africa. I had little merit, as the warning signs were ominous: falling world prices of cocoa and coffee in the 1980 devaluation of the CFA franc, a succession of difficult founding father under the guise of "democratic" elections for to seduce the West.
Time passed, the Ivory Coast has been overtaken by reality and knows the chaos since the beginning of the twenty-first century. In the current crisis, the cause seems to be heard if we are to believe the global ruling class and most of the mainstream media: Laurent Gbagbo, president lashed out at its headquarters by the grace of a Constitutional Council orders, is a nasty subject of TPI. The gentleman de Cocody, "is of course the real winner of the presidential election, Alassane Ouattara, still entrenched in his golf hotel in the UN Protection Force and the" Unicorn ", the latest incarnation of our African power . We gladly laugh
websites and programs of Radio Television Ivoirienne glorifying Gabgbo Lawrence, elected "by the grace of God" we grind our teeth while listening to the speeches and demagogic "anti-colonialist" Sieur Wheat-Goude before the Young Patriots, they will care for our fellow citizens (over 20 000 people) potentially hostage to regime at bay.
But can we wholeheartedly applaud the extraordinary mobilization to oust Gbagbo from his throne? The UN, ECOWAS, the major powers, everyone wants the land as soon as possible. How eagerly, suddenly, what a passion for the respect of popular will! Laurent Gabgbo irony can rightly on the morality of Heads of State Africans came to warn him, and the ambiguous attitude of most Western leaders, led by France. A France which has not hesitated to maintain by all means dynasty Bongo in Gabon, which censors a conference potentially disruptive to our great friend Mubarak of Egypt to the Institut du Monde Arabe ... Need we recall the shame of "Gaddafi Circus "Two years ago?
If you look closer, the elections of December 2010 has not been more perfect than in September 2000, which saw Gabgbo oust Laurent Robert Guei. The civil war launched shortly by the supporters of Alassane Ouattara should, according to defense agreements Franco-Ivorian lead a military intervention on our part to crush the rebellion and restore the authority of the Ivorian state throughout its territory. Operation Licorne, therefore, merely dividing the country into two zones, the Muslim north and south of Ouattara Christian animist Gabgbo. The old classic pattern of African civil wars, as always complicated by the subtle ethnic and clan authorities. That's why Gbagbo wants to France, and in fact the main arm of the "plot" to kill him. This is understandable. Ouattara, a former senior official acquired all international economic liberalism, is the ideal candidate for the camarilla wheeler and stateless means that dictate the planet. If one adds to the undoubted irregularities in the voting in the area held by his supporters, any objective observer of the situation will be reluctant to assign the title of "white knight" or "gentleman de Cocody. So, what solution? The score, as in Sudan where will soon rise to a "Republic of the White Nile" in the south, appears logical. But in Côte d'Ivoire more than Sudan, the main wealth of the country are south: plantations, oil, cities, ports. The country would be largely Gabgbo viable. That Ouattara would be a substitute for Burkina Faso. Ouattara is the ideal president to deliver these treasures to the world market, such a division is unacceptable to the great of this world. Gbagbo must go, by all means: it threatens the CFI? It makes him laugh. He promised political asylum? He does not believe, and he is right: if all deposed head of state can be prosecuted and brought before the courts, he has no interest in leaving his palace. We cut their food, until Ouattara and his buddy Guillaume Soro calls for military intervention against him (which was yesterday)? Gbagbo stands firm.
Ivorians and our fellow residents pay the most poorly protected note.

Christians of East and West of cretins.

Our major media Nouvel Observateur head, became interested in the holiday season on the plight of some 20 million Christians of the East, the last survivors of the invasion that swept the Islamic Middle East and the Mediterranean since the seventh century. We may cry, in fact, or "indignation "Looks like Stephane Hessel in his latest pamphlet in three Euro-pipe that word of the question, but I will return later. First, by granting them asylum, it is the least. Then meditating on their status as "dhimmis", formerly the majority, enslaved, and then reduced to minority status endangered by a conquering religion, aggressive, and more and more regressive.
This religion is gaining ground among us, playing the persecuted at the slightest attempt to resist its influence, already imposes its law in areas where it has a majority. She finds many unwitting (?) In good souls howling wolf when few dare to make comparisons with other dark times in our history. Marine Le Pen and is doomed to public obloquy, not without ulterior motives electioneering.
Certainly, prayer is not a street parade Panzer. But I admit that the German tanks scare me less than the cry of the muezzin in the streets of our cities. The first did not pose a political problem at the bottom and technical solved for 65 years, not civilizational and demographic like the latter. A peaceful invasion is no less problematic than a military invasion, whatever Mr. Hessel, I nevertheless share the outrage about the destruction of the social agenda of RSS, which is part of this civilization that I intend to defend. Unfortunately, the idiots of the West are still abundant, and apparently on track for us to publicize the plight of Eastern Christians.


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