Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gemini To Velachery Bus Route

In the country of Tunisia Ben Ali

Saturday, January 15, 2011

In the land of Ben Ali (To the tune of generic Candy)
"In Country, Ben Ali,
Throughout Tunisia,
We have fun, dance, laugh,
For the wicked it is gone.
Yes, but in difficult times,
Have a Ben Ali was very useful,
To crush the Islamists, it was Ben Ali!
But one dream and one imagines
Every night she fell asleep,
From a different future for this country,
That rotten or the Koran ...
To drive, the tyrant,
It showed teeth
It is not so easy, not so submissive,
Tu-ni-sia, Tu-ni-sie ... "

Two weight two measures.
Magnificent discretion of our government's response to events Tunisia. What a shame, what a beautiful demonstration of noninterference in the internal affairs of a friendly country! Laurent Gbagbo has a good laugh.

Cope and Jacob on duty?
They want to break the official, and to disgorge a little more employees. Apparently, this does not appeal to Sarkozy, who suspected him of soap the plank in 2012. But it can also harness it to us once again the good old "good and evil" of police questioning. Jacob Cope and we play the villains Liberal Sarkozy and Fillon pose as defenders of social rights. Given the invalidity of any socialist leaders busy themselves eat the nose for their primaries, the Dwarf of Elysium has a boulevard before him.

Finally ...
Lu Marianne this week, quoted by Jacques Julliard, the manifesto of the moderate Muslims of France, headed by Dalil Boubaker, who dare to condemn the last persecution of the Christians of the East. Do they feel the winds of public opinion in Western countries? Not too early. Not long ago, the rabid Houria Bouteldja leader of misnamed "Natives of the Republic, grew bold enough to threaten children's well nice politically correct journalist who asked him declaring substance that they should prepare themselves to be minority at home and be persecuted. Is the hype around a Marine Le Pen with 18% in the polls that encourages moderates to get out of fingers behind?


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