Sunday, January 30, 2011

Clubwear Clothes Europe

Jasmin A smelly? Special

Sunday, January 30, 2011

; Jasmin A smelly?

According Marianne expression "Jasmine Revolution" was first used in 1987, when Bourguiba was landed power by Ben Ali. Is it to jinx the rebels in January 2011 that was released this old thing of the closet?
But do not spoil our fun: apparently, this "revolution" seems to remain within reasonable limits, and in awe of all the potentates of North Africa, Mohammed VI to Mubarak, to our great friend Gaddafi. Remains to be seen which will pull the chestnuts out of fire. For my part, I am inclined to think that wanting the complete eradication of all executives of the RCD, the party of former president of the governing bodies of the country, is a mistake. The Yankees have made the same mistake with Saddam when the Baath took control of Iraq in 2003. Result: they have nothing at all controlled, and the country descended into anarchy. It may be objected that Tunisia is not Iraq (more homogeneous more "advanced", more anything you like), but let us remember the "velvet revolutions" in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. It is most often senior local Communist parties who organized the "democratic transition" and it was the same in France in 1944: if De Gaulle had to turn all heads with more or less as Petain he would have had someone competent to run the country. In short, a little realism is needed. In the meantime, we must congratulate the rating agencies, Tunisia who demoted after the departure of Ben Ali, "the pledge of stability for investors." That makes sense on their part, and is once again proof that capitalism is not incompatible with dictatorships. One model for these people, China!

globalism and Islamism, same fight?

Wikileaks's revelations have confirmed what we could rumble. I do not understand, or bad, why some "experts" such as Jacques Attali, an apostle of liberal globalism, a warm supporter of transatlantic cooperation, acted to "dhimmi honor" (according to expression of secular Riposte) by suggesting that a massive Muslim immigration did not frighten him any more than an Islamization of Europe.
The U.S. Secret Service indeed expect it! For them, the "old Europe is damned and condemned to be inundated by waves from Africa and the Middle East. It must therefore be prepared by adopting a model of "multicultural" (read "communitarian") inspired by the Anglo-Saxon (patriotism less), all in order to maintain stability and regional stowage area in the sphere of interest of the United States. Clearly, it gives more power to the bearded home so they are less aggressive, and they remain pro-American when they take the levers.
Besides, as anyone can observe it in Saudi Arabia, Islam's most retrograde is perfectly compatible with capitalism's most fierce. As sure as communism was soluble in alcohol (but the Islamists themselves are not supposed to drink).
Religion, dough, ultra-conformism: when a bearded man does not bring the towers, it is nonetheless a very good for our "allies" of the Atlantic.


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