Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why Did Chris Jericho Change Attire


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Revolution papyrus and its avatars.

Yes, yes, that's how it is baptized events of Egypt, and the imminent fall of Mubarak released by his American friends! No offense to those who, like me, had planned umpteenth holiday on the south shore of the Mediterranean, throughout the region following the bad example of Tunisia. Yemen agitated ("the revolution of gum arabic"?), Jordan rumbles ("the revolution sands "?), Syria trembles (" the revolution of the date palm?) pending Algeria ("the revolution of couscous?), Morocco ("the revolution of mint tea?") and other ...
Meanwhile, the West is divided into two: those who applaud and those who whine. In the middle, the French leaders, trapped by their "realism" and their compromises. Farewell cheap holidays for MAM et al. As for the poor Bougrab Jeannette, here it is convened and lectured at Matignon for calling too early departure of our friend Mubarak.
Regarding Egypt, I would tend to agree with my opinion of Elie Barnavi, who welcomed little and rightly points out that this country has nothing to do with Tunisia. No large educated middle class in the land of the Pharaohs, but a very popular powerful Islamism, only organized political force in the country after the army. The destabilization of the largest country in the Arab world can never be good news.
In Israel, a country of origin Barnavi, tightening the buttocks. Could it finally time to regret, dear friends, all of sabotaging peace efforts undertaken since 1993? Belching Zionist protesters Tahrir Square not bode well. Yet had he not give them so much grist for 18 years.

Repression blind.

No need to go to exotic lands to observe security forces and brutal misguided. The video of the exploits of some policemen did the buzz. On 21 January, peaceful demonstrators in the region of Anduze have committed the crime to delay the departure of the Cevennes steam train, on which were seated the president of the greater metropolitan area of Greater Ales and sub- Prefect of the corner. Reason? A dark history of communal grouping disputed by some villages. The blocking of the train was symbolic, the procession made up of people whose average age should be close to 50 years.
Without warning, coldly, the commander of the gendarmes opened hostilities with blows of pepper spray in his face. The stampede that follows provides an excuse to use the tonfa and make a few wounded. No luck, the modern gadgets have enabled a rapid and media dissemination of facts on the internet. Stroke of luck, the events of the Arab world have facilitated the cover-up in our mainstream media.
There is evidence that our police are not racist: they also repress movements mood of deepest France.

below the school's "digital".

A recent article Duck chained , echoing a book Florent Goujet, discusses the folly of rampant digital switchover in teaching French. It reveals profound dangers, and especially the ulterior objectives: to transform teachers into mere agents of atmosphere, convenience stores bugs and docile executors of transmission of content they have mastered more. Less skilled workers, recruited in a hurry and disposable charge of supervising public more glued to their screens. Three years ago, I remember a discussion with colleagues on a forum devoted to ICT (Information Technology and Communication Applied to Education). I had made the same point, and emphasized that wherever the computer had been introduced, stable jobs were destroyed, and there was no reason for education to escape the rule. I was as it should be regarded as overly pessimistic. There are times it is like to have been wrong.


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