Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reference Letter Community Service

Besançon: the tension!

Actors wood energy are in full swing. The tension is palpable and number of entrants in the market worried about the increasing difficulty in obtaining supplies. Even before the industrial project developers, intermediaries that are positioned in this market without experience or those who have built their development on the model years 80-90 logging companies subsidiaries of paper mills, have cold sweat.

They realize that their commitments towards customers who have put their trust will be very difficult to achieve in a context of recovery in industrial production and that there are more shares of intense lobbying from forest owners owners of the resource.

Even though these firms have dumped several months on the market, causing sales prices down, they are temporarily in the bidding to capture timber and attempt to become indispensable as intermediaries.

Two scenarios are therefore possible for the years and months ahead: either they succeed in their task and they will sweep away the competition by installing an oligopoly ungenerous with forest producers to recover their stake. Either they will fail and then risk leaving many nonperforming loans.

is precisely to avoid such unpleasant situations that forestry cooperatives in France, allied to the National Forest have decided to act to safeguard the fundamental interests of forest owners.

This effective partnership for several years is to provide a secure supply to consumers Wood energy in defending fairly the interest of public and private forest growers. This by negotiating the sale price to pay balanced optimally producers in the long term and ensuring the sustainability opportunities.

These organizations including Forestry & Wood East are able to offer concrete solutions to any forest owner. Private forest owners may contact the Great Eastern to the cooperative to sell any quantity of wood energy, but also all the other qualities of wood. The only concern of the cooperative will be to optimize the marketing to maximize the benefit of producers, not to treat the wood energy as an end in itself.

Forestry cooperatives, NFB Energy, as the private companies mentioned in the article, have an obligation to maximize profits for their shareholders. The difference between these two types of structures is the nature of their shareholdings. The first two directly owned by forestry producers or their representatives, the latter to investors whose interests are not necessarily those of producers converged.

For these reasons, Forests & Eastern wood covers not only the marketing of their harvest timber but with the eye of the forest manager, so it is respectful of soils and forest stands in the short or long term.

To contact us: mailto : contact@foretsetboisdelest.com


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