Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Vote Of Thanks At Wedding Reception

How to kill a rebel? If José Bové.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to kill a rebel? If José Bové.

Gaddafi is a fool. Crush a rebellion without firing a shot, it is perfectly feasible, evidence by the European Union and José Bové. In the late 1990s, José Bové became known as one of the leaders of the liberal anti-globalization. He participates in large lectures utopian Porto Alegre, in all the forums of ATTAC. At the head of the commando leftist peasants Larzac, dismantles the Millau McDonald's before launching his campaign for mowing large anti-GMO. In 2005, he thunders with many other pseudo-cons the European Constitutional Treaty, contributing to his defeat at the polls and disarray of the Eurocrats.
Then comes the good doctor Cohn-Bendit, who won in the General Staff of the Greens, illico renamed "Europe-Ecology," which announced the program at least. The former troublemaker became one policeman thought it brought the thundering Jose, before facilitating his election to Parliament. And the miracle is accomplished. Over the months, a holy mutation occurs. The demon Larzac calms down. It approves the Treaty of Lisbon, substitute the European constitution in 2005 that he had vomited, imposed on people through parliament in 2008. He is convinced that only "Europe" will find a solution to all our ills. In his latest book of interviews (From Larzac Brussels), transfer ends when the Braves Jose says he never liked the term "anti-globalization", too redolent of xenophobic or nationalistic, and always preferred to that of "alternative globalization", a "world without passports" ... Laissez-faire, laissez passer, goods, capital and people, if every guy in the world, etc ... A little more power-se shave that mustache too Gallic and proletarian, for example-and Mr. Bove will join the club of Alain Minc.
Poor Gaddafi! But you had had a great idea to mulch your rebellion with the Arab Maghreb Union. Sarko had regained the ball with his Union for the Mediterranean remained in dry dock. The fantasy of unity, a large market, left to the most ferocious appetite, chambers of recycling of political leaders turned into spokesmen for "the only possible policy, people confused and deprived of resilience other than a protest vote immediately demonized.
The great popular earthquake which shakes the entire Arab world makes it urgent thing now. Quick, quick, a "great thing" to stifle all that!


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