Saturday, February 26, 2011

Air India Visa Message

Taxi to Tobruk

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mobile for tweens: is not that the package that unlocks.
M6 before yesterday echoed a brave mother complaint against Orange. She had purchased a package stuck at 17 euros per month for her offspring, but the guy managed to make "unlock" a simple phone call or email from the operator. Then, the charming boy rushed to fill up with premium SMS and other gadgets ruinous. Appraisal: 1600 euros to pay for Mom. While the report has been Notably, in chorus with the outraged mother, the lightness of the operator, who refuses to shoulder any responsibility in this inadvertent release. "A simple minor may, without supervision, do this or that ... it's absurd!".
Meanwhile, high on the picture, the kid in question, unperturbed, continued to fiddle with his plaything of a sullen and vaguely annoyed. What would I do instead of this mother? I am sorry that my first son to be a trickster of a doubled asshole (because how he thought not to be taken, therefore it mom who pays the bills?) then I would have deprived that young mobile moron as many months for 17 euros that m 'This joke has cost, plus other penalties to be invented. Finally, I would have turned against Orange to get my bearings a bit. But never, never, I would have allowed this moron to figure prominently on TV! In this story, there is no fee to unlock the drive.

Taxi to Tobruk.
Our dear friend Gaddafi did it seem much longer. His opponents, ever more numerous and better armed, about to pounce on Tripoli. The Western governments, led by France, seeking to overcome their relative inertia in the crises of Tunisia and Egypt in repeating large reels: threat of economic sanctions, prosecutions before the tribunal in The Hague, embargoes, etc. ... The erstwhile dear customer (to whom we refusâmes nothing during his last visit here, including the right to insult us) is again the infamous criminal years 1980. But Qaddafi is not to end up as a vulgar or Ben Ali Mubarak shaking led to some golden exile. Besides, he would like it would be hard to find the right place in the concert of hostility it arouses in the world. Russia, China, perhaps, like the good old days?
After releasing his African mercenaries as a despot Carthaginian bombed his own capital, he is preparing an end worthy of Hitler or Ceausescu. Few people, indeed, any real interest in what they get out alive. But businessmen have already advised reserved their taxi to Tobruk.

The Camp of the Saints, 38 years later.
There is much to say about the excellent novel by Jean Raspail, finally reissued Robert Laffont, I'm devouring. Remember only those who have never heard of, because of omerta politically correct, that this book published in 1973 tells the annihilation the West and the white race by hordes destitute and more or less peaceful coming of the Third World. The reader may think what he wants, according to his ideas, experience and sensitivity. But it is an authentic work, written with a raging fever and a talent that can not find much in contemporary French writers, locked in the triptych "Me, my head and my ass" .
The most striking feature in this "anti-epic," according to the author's own words, is the dismal picture of a civilization so spineless that it lets eat without firing a shot, poisoned by decades of debilitating consumerism and intellectual well-terrorism thinking. It reminds me of this passage Planet of the Apes, Pierre Boulle, when the monkeys come to power only with whips for arms.
But Europeans do not like their elite global, so do not want to let it go. Even their leaders must agree, under penalty of election: "multiculturalism" sectarianism or Anglo-Saxon it does not work. That was the theme of a debate broadcast on France Ô last Thursday. A very fair debate. The only Yvan Rioufol of Figaro , faced Patrick Lozes (Leader of CRAN, the black lobby), Pascal Blanchard, historian "specialist and post-colonial history" (which served as a bond " scientist "to the film Outside the Law) and an obscure sociologist Franco-Maghrebi air surly. Cracking jaws Proceedings insured.
be clear, I do not Rioufol and Sarko-américanolâtrie. But here I took pity and a little ashamed for freedom of expression in my country, to see in 2011 also loaded the dice in Raspail's novel.
But again, the sixty-eighters vomited that the author of the Camp of the Saints , triumphing in 1973, took the lead in the wing. The Benedict XVI Raspail-imagined by a sort of puppet-Christ and sordid has nothing to do with the conservative Ratzinger. Internet offers a wide possibility of power-cons to mainstream media (the rebels in the Arab world know something). The presence of more most massive visible minorities, claims more and more aggressive, has fostered a new awareness among Europeans about the danger of becoming minority in their homes. Myself, former left-wing militant anti-racist, I measure the progress made since my misspent youth.
Is it falling into the rough panel barker the Elysée, which gives us a "debate on secularism and the place of Islam in France"? The dismal foirade of national identity has not been enough, he did it again! The old blow diversion and solicitation election is really all he has left in store to save the day in 2012. The balance of Sarkozyism in all areas, is catastrophic. And this is not the least of his mistakes of trying, by all means, to exacerbate tensions between the French seriously while weakening the public authority in terms of resources as prestige.
For Islam in France, no need to debate. There are laws and a secular constitution that we must vigorously enforce, throughout the territory. Secularism, secularism alone, but any secularism. This is our "Camp of the Saints" us, French. And I do not count on Sarkozy, who as a spat once, to defend him.


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