Friday, February 25, 2011

Can Panadol Suddenly Kill A Dog

Conference discussion of the tree to the boiler room under the Wood Energy Wood Energy

forest resources will be sufficient to meet the needs of combined industry and wood energy? Forests & Woods Eastern Energy and NFB are convinced. But they also fear that this sector is not organized in collaboration with public and private forest growers and we are witnessing a simple transfer of resources from one sector to another.
producers and their economic organizations have to offer concrete solutions to avoid this pitfall. These structuring the sector upstream, to consolidate and coordinate the activities of forest producers that they are able to bring additional supplies needed for the emerging energy sector.
But why would they be better able than others to achieve? Well first of all because they have an interest. In the short term because sell higher volumes mean increased revenues. In the medium and long term because the impoverishment of the industrial sectors of pulp and panels would mean a loss of markets generating value added total for the sector, so a lower valuation of many other forest products.
But their interest does not stop there. They are more interested than any other that the harvesting of forest products is done in compliance with environmental rules. Soil conservation, biodiversity and populations of the future is the guarantee of the continued state of their production.
is all of these key ideas that will be exposed as part of the conference - debate organized by F & Co BE and NFB Energy and associated visits, next Friday, March 25:
From 11:30, a conference - debate publication "of the tree to the boiler room" will be organized jointly with NFB Energy. The event will take place in two stages in Hall C at Besancon Micropolis:

- from 11:30 to 12:00: 3 presentations on the context of wood energy and wood industry in the Far East with : Jerome Klotz - Director Commercial E & BE who will present the state of the market in Greater East in the medium term; Pierre DUCRAY director of the Union of Forestry French Cooperation will present the state of the resource and its availability in private forests in the same territory, Yves Marie GARDETTE of Directorate General of NFB that will reflect the resource and its availability in public forests.

- from 12h00 to 13h00: debate who meet Benedict FRAUD NFB Director of Energy; Cyril Lepicard President of the Union of French Forestry Cooperation; Jackie Favret President of the Association of Forest Franche County and Pope Benedict Cyprian deputy mayor of the city of Besancon in charge of environment, sustainable development and energy control.

From 14h30 to 17h00: Visit of Besançon in communal forest and boiler Planoise as a program with (*):

- demonstration of harvesting and milling of products specifically for energy
- presentation on the logistics organizations and the quality of fuels

(*) Please note registration for tours is required, either from our agency Franche Comté for our members or guests: agence.franche-Count @ , either on the show website for outsiders (registration link at the bottom of page).


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