Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Clothes Do I Need For Wwe

Anuntis clasele pentru a 12-a

French Embassy in Romania has the pleasure to announce the organization of the eighth edition of the competition for access to preparatory classes for Great Schools in France (CPGE - Classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles).

kindly asking you to disclose information on this contest, so your colleagues - teachers of mathematics and physics, and the best students of your school.

Organised at the initiative of the French Embassy in Romania, since 2004, targets students in grades XII, who have very good knowledge of mathematics and physics, but also a level of basic knowledge of French.
preparatory classes for Grandes Ecoles (Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Mines, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Supélec) provides students, for a period of two years after high school, another way than that proposed by the universities. After two years of preparation, students take the examination for admission to one or more engineering schools. Students who fail to be admitted to a Grande Ecole, after two years of preparation, may continue their studies in a university.
this year CPGE contest will be held at the French Institute in Bucharest and the French Cultural Centers in Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara, simultaneously, on 21 March 2011 starting at 9:00.

Entries for this contest can be made via e-mail at the following addresses, depending on the examination center:
French Institute in Bucharest: Adriana.STOENESCU @,
French Cultural Centre in Iasi: Equipe @ ccfiasi . en
French Cultural Center in Cluj:
Cultural Centre of Timisoara: michel.soignet @, camelia.dumitrele @

Deadline the entries is March 18, 2011, 17:00.

All students enrolled will receive by mail, brochure of this contest.
Attached you will find all information on this contest, for the four examination centers.

Thank you for kindly supporting this action that we want a successful and please accept, Madam Teacher, Dear Teacher, the expression of our whole consideration.
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Madam Professor, Professor,

The Embassy of France in Romania is pleased to announce the organization of the eighth edition of the preparatory classes for the French Grandes Ecoles (CPGE).

Please be kind enough to provide the information regarding this competition to your colleagues - teachers of mathematics and physics, and the best students in your school.

The competition, organized by the initiative of the Embassy of France in Romania, from 2004, is designed for students of Class XII th, having good knowledge of mathematics and physics, but also basic notions of French.
preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles (Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole des Mines, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Supélec) offer students, for a period of two years after the baccalaureate, another course than that proposed by universities. After two years of preparation, students have the opportunity to support the competition for admission to one or even several engineering schools. Students who are not admitted to a Grande Ecole, after two years preparatory may continue their studies at a university.
This year's contest will be held CPGE at the French Institute of Bucharest and the French Cultural Centers of Iasi, Cluj and Timisoara, simultaneously, on Monday, March 21, 2011, at 9:00 am.

Entries for this contest can go to e-mail at the following addresses, depending on the test center:
French Institute of Bucharest: Adriana.STOENESCU @
French Cultural Center in Iasi :
French Cultural Center in Cluj:
French Cultural Centre of Timisoara: @ michel.soignet , Camelia.dumitrele @

final dates pour l'envoi des inscriptions to the east vendredi 18 mars 2011 à 17h00. Tous les élèves inscrits

recevront seem to post to the binding of CPGE Présentation du concours.


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