Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hd700x Hdmi Handshake

Saturday, January 29, 2011

; Guaino's ordeal.
Tel Regulus in the hands of the Carthaginians, the unhappy special advisor Our Awesome Conducator has had a bad quarter of an hour between the legs of journalists France Inter on Monday. It was almost too easy to torture him on Tunisia, with the blunder of Alliot-Marie, or recall the remarks of his boss who wanted the "president of Human Rights" in 2007. The poor Guaino has stepped verbal contortions (realistic policies, not the "realpolitik"), an apology can (if MMA has offered assistance to the regime of Ben Ali on January 11 was just to avoid having too much blood shed). Very funny, or sad, depending. Between bursts of laughter, I asked myself what I could replicate well in its place. And on reflection, that's what I replied:
"Yeah, it's true, this revolution has taken us by surprise, and frankly we fuck. Ben Ali was a corrupt dictator, but he has not done anything but harm to his country (education, women's rights, development ...). A bit like our late ex-boyfriend Saddam Hussein in less and less demented murderer. That is fine, the people angry and the flight of tyrants, but we are now in the fog. Who will keep the store? Meanwhile, agreements Franco-Tunisian still stand, and that's the basics. "
Where are the gazelles?
You've probably noticed that all the magazine covers devoted to the "Jasmine Revolution" have used the same symbol: a young Tunisian woman, perched on the shoulders of his comrades, raising his arm or fist. Since May 68 and its famous unknown, pasionaria blonde that you see on all the vintage photos, it became a journalistic gimmick, reminiscent of the allegory of Delacroix (the "Liberty Leading the People" ). The trouble is that the string is worn and tired, and behind the scenes much less pretty. The blonde 68 was a foreign student visiting Paris, and has VAIT not understand what she was doing there. But at least it was a real picture taken from life, not a setting like the Republican combatant "Fallen sword in hand" on the famous photograph by Robert Capa that has come to symbolize all the English Civil War.
And Tunisia, in all this? Of all the images of crowd movements, you can search for girls. Guys, guys everywhere. And a girl, both of which survives in this country we say so advanced in the Arab world. But when it finds one, not veiled, quickly, she was hoisted on the shoulders of countless young men present, and click! From art to illustrate an event based on his fantasies.
The International rotten.
What a great international organization can hope to count among its personalities as commendable, honest and concerned for human rights, Laurent Gbagbo, Hosni Mubarak, and Druze leader Walid ally of Hezbollah Jumblatt? A hint: Ben Ali has just be excluded (this is normal, he lost power). I help you again: Dominique Strauss-Kahn is among them. Segolene Royal is vice-president this year. Yes, you guessed it: the Socialist International. Jaures, wake up!

Pilgrimage and Flowers of Evil.
They jostle there, they all want to be left on the side of morality: Besancenot, Eva Joly, Serge Moati pending and probably Delanoe (other than himself, it must be to see if his villa at Bizerte escaped the looting). Tunisia, after Cuba, will become a "must" tourism policy. Wishing him not to turn the Mediterranean gulag. Already this corny nickname for Jasmin revolution, it does not feel so good. Since the Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974, a tic of journalists (like the girl on the shoulders of protesters) and above all a media thing mostly concocted at pharmacies close to the CIA: the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Rose in Georgia, or the poppies in Central Asia. When we know the active role, but oh so smart, played by U.S. intelligence in the fall of Ben Ali can afford to be less packed than some columnists. However, admittedly, Tunisians give us a little envy, we French do the same with our "masters." What are we waiting for, anyway?


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