Thursday, October 28, 2010

Craving Egg Whites Around Period

Laugh in defeat

Thursday, October 28, 2010

joke of the day. Elise Lucet

receives Paco Rabanne France 2:
"I hope you have nothing against blacks, you
... No, but I can tell you about the Jews if you want! "

Sarkozy's victory.

Parliament has done its work, the reform went through "democratic" as the Treaty of Lisbon in his time. Comparison thing, so this regression is also strongly encouraged by the European Union, which has more to offer the people it imprisons the ultra-liberal shock treatment once reserved for countries of the former Soviet bloc . In the street, the movement is dwindling and the leaves are doing their work of Toussaint anesthesia. Our great president will be able to move on, by well-established method of permanent agitation storytelling of his American masters.
the menu, with the kind participation of the MEDEF and Chérèque (for CFDT), the serious question employment of young and elderly people. This will give the opportunity to endlessly argumentative, with the line of sight, if the line returns in 2012, a new "reform" going towards more flexibility, the unions have resumed their role as useful idiots.
The president wants it seems we play the "social" before the next presidential us sticky Borloo at Matignon. Borloo, who apparently went to the hairdresser and no longer drinks. A lie hidden in this last sentence ... which one?
Borloo Prime Minister. If proof were needed than under the Third Empire, the chief function of government is nothing other than a straw man, a mannequin or a worthless bauble, it's done. We will have to explain how this shyster, defender and friend of the poor people like Bernard Tapie, was more social than other henchmen sarkozystes.
In the kind and compassionate social well tricky, the UMP we quietly prepare another dirty trick on the theme of slightly rancid "will have money for old". As for pensions, we start by telling us: "The French live longer. Soon all old! This is great news! Then, the worst mine, we go to serious stuff: "But more elderly means more dependency care and finance ... "The state of having discarded the burden on local communities, which in turn are summed to save money, we'll have to spit again the French, or rather the employees, with various tax increases, and especially the removal of a day off. Raffarin is back with her Monday of Pentecost! It is in the old pots you make the best soups. And there are no protests or blockades in perspective: the opponents are exhausted by the last movement -Ultimately useless - and disarmed in advance by the namby-pamby and falsely emotional side of the project. "For our elders, our parents ... you do not want to let them die, right? "
Finally, live longer, ending a hostage and senile Sarkozyist France, this is not great news.

Two contradictory readings (?)

I just finished two books in quick exciting, and seemingly opposite: Let them all go! Jean-Luc Melenchon, and Inside the mind of a reaction, Eric Brunet.
Not the same style or even the object, and different views, at least in appearance. But I found myself in both, 90% in Mélenchon, 60% in Brunet.
The first wants to finish with capitalism and the mad dictatorship of the EU, Washington and break into a Paris-Moscow-Beijing. Oh, yes! But his blabber on "citizens' revolution", with basic committees and elections every four mornings so Ségolène on vacation in Venezuela, I do not think. The Soviets everywhere is anarchy or dictatorship in disguise. I am for the state, so authoritarian or democratic, to take responsibility. The second tells
his life and his intellectual resistance against the dominant discourse of a left and right-thinking circles ubiquitous "intellectuals" or alleged. There style is often very funny and well seen. A big mistake (or misprint?) About the spoils with the story of Che feasting public executions after Castro's victory in "1956-58". The victory took place in 1959, it seems difficult. More troubling, his praise of money and Sarkozyism uninhibited. The money still goes, but how an admirer of France's history can be seduced by the midget uncultivated which is being fuck up our country? Sarkozy does not rhyme with Napoleon, but with Stavisky ... or Tapie. In good "reaction" to the revolutionary trend that I am, I will synthesize the two books by the slogan of February 1934: "Death to the thieves! "Raiders of the right or left, all enemies of the people.


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