Saturday, October 23, 2010

Local Area Connection, Sent, Received

Herve Gaymard for a true industrial policy timber

The President of the Republic had signed an engagement letter to Herve Gaymard last January. The new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Forestry Office and was responsible for formulating proposals for the future of public institution.

A report on the NFB quoting forestry cooperatives could surprise a forest administration is so pervasive in the minds of many private forest before a penalty to be identified, sometimes even within the timber.

For our part we are not surprised because in recent years forestry cooperatives, Forestry & Wood East especially, and the NFB have learned to know and work together.

We even see many reasons to hope that the joint work of public and private forest managers can finally reform a French timber resembling that of a country underdeveloped as outlined Herve Gaymard.

Everything in the report by former Minister of Agriculture and Finance, is in line with the policy pursued by the Forestry Cooperatives:

First as regards the method of marketing in France which is considered obsolete and should be reformed by the development of industrial supply contracts. The goal for the forest service will achieve in the short term 90% of the marketing of softwood and 60% of hardwood in this form. This pulse will finally allow the industry to first turn to transform its production and its downstream sector rather than worrying primarily in its supply in the forest. He remained in private forests to follow the lead of this major development. Forestry cooperatives have the capacity for many years and waiting to be joined by other operators of forest management to transform the test.

Concerning wood energy, the president of the NFB advocates strengthening activities separate subsidiary of the institution in this field. Affiliates with whom Woods & Forests East has worked for many years. But it also indicates that common supply to all sectors is to be preserved. That of the panels, pulp and paper and of course timber. It is also a direction we have taken since the start of our own activities in wood energy. For us, it takes a healthy competition between these sectors it is necessary to preserve the diversity. Just because the industrial activity will always be more creative than the value added of energy.

The report also highlights the need to strengthen industrial investment in the national timber industry. This is the same observation made in 2008 already by the High Council for Agricultural Cooperation which highlighted the alarming deficit of investment in France in the timber industry and the modest size of this industry compared to other European competitors from France.

In this report we can finally include:
- the idea that forests should be eligible for EU quota system in relation to carbon capture their share of greenhouse gas emissions.
- the proposal that a fund of 100 million euros per year is mobilized to make the investments necessary forest both in public forests in private forests.
- the need to capitalize the NFB its ambitions and become a public company senior
- reducing the number of members of its board of directors, the redefinition of its functions and merging the functions of Chairman and Director of the CEO.
- the desire of strengthening relations with the local forest, private forests as a whole, downstream industries, NGOs.
- Strengthening of social dialogue internally.

We for our part believe that all these are steps in the direction of progress and they will create the changes needed to modernize our industry. It remains just an unknown factor: who will be responsible for implementing this policy?

The President of the Republic he will seize the ball and he will propose to reform the governance of the NFB leading to the appointment of a CEO? He could then be Herve Gaymard itself. Or, as discussed since the departure of Pierre Olivier Drege in September, he will appoint a director immediately after the next reshuffle? In any case, in forest, no name is circulating as to who the next manager. Of his stature and his determination will depend the reality of the proposed reforms.

Download Report Gaymard


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