Sunday, October 17, 2010

Example Of Franchise Proposal

Rot and dhimmitude

Saturday, October 16, 2010

continue Protests, strikes and blockades of all kinds are increasing. But Luc Chatel, a spokesman for the government (and incidentally attendant to the demolition of Education), keeps this silly smile VRP summoned by his superiors to charge the same salad. As usual, we see on our screens scroll the same cohort of business leaders deploring the irresponsible agitation ruin our beautiful country. Oh, we're not in Spain, where the secretary general of the UGT itself after the general strike on Sept. 29, came to apologize and say sorry for having wasted his money compatriots! Our government, encouraged by his support of the financial world and technocrats Brussels says it will not give in on Pensions. The street can not win legitimacy in the parliament, "he said. For it is well known that a national assembly where training wins the most seats with a third party vote is a monument to democratic legitimacy. Faced with ras-le-bol raises widespread France, and far beyond the single issue of pensions, Sarkozy and his clique are rotting. If needed further proof that this president has no sense of the state, nor any understanding for the French people, "that is done

Attali, the dhimmi the rigor
Jacques Attali has been pinned by the site Response secular for about hallucinating about Islam made during a TV show aired one hour confidential. His apology for this religion, to which Europe must make more room, and who would be part of the "cultural roots" of our continent, his hand outstretched to massive immigration, it should the title of "dhimmi" honor. The dhimmi, remember, is the "protected minority" in Islam, Jew or Christian that we do not force conversion, but which must in turn be subjected to harassment for many to make him understand that he has any interest in joining the ranks of the "Ummah", the community of good faith.
Attali is also a big advocate of globalization and postnational happy, the father-of-discipline that lays it regularly comes from reports suggesting recur-strangling a little bit more the welfare state. All ruined in ten years! threat does in his latest book. No, not all, Jacques ... You and yours, the small clique that is cosmopolitan honey from the bear garden that is now infecting the world today, you will not be ruined, since you already are feeding on the blood of peoples, although away in your luxury ghettos. That may be why you want to encourage the Islamic onslaught in the West: the old European churches have lead in the wing, the opium of the people need to be boosted by a booming manly religion, perfectly consistent with the law of the market. It would be better than the leafy suburbs of the suburbs red.
Just a small detail, Jacques ... do you think your "Muslim friends" will make you forget your roots through when they took power from us?


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