Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Much Calories Are In Homemade Pizzas

That was long ....

Yes it's been awhile since I had not given new creatures of the canvas.

Many things happened, including a resounding yell late June on the French site in the form of open letter. This CDG (cons the famous Boulevard des Stars) took an unexpected, last number: the rise of a tidal bowl over many aspects of the game, "bitching" extreme some players, the settling of accounts, banning of players who have only expressed "politely" what others have said in many words more violent, closing the forum for further discussions for a few days, a response of society Beemoov and a sequence of discoveries of cheating on the game itself!
Phew ... Summer is now behind us, I do not know if there are clearer but still it is Mielu that is classified in the first 400 bimbos!
  • Mielu
    719 th game day
  • 6203 bimbos gold
  • 2511868 bimbo attitude
  • IQ of 360.4 , Level 68
  • ranking: 382 th place
J have had the chance to launch 3 new topics on the forum:
Film Festival Bimbocity (referring to the Cannes Film Festival) in May 2010
Tournament Tennis Coach Roland (referring Roland Garros) in June 2010
The prom Bimbocity in July 2010 with
always "Girlfriends game" that are absolutely adorable and trust, allowing each time to do a good job that is fun for us but mostly amuses the players and hosts the forum in a good mood!
With Lilimalili, we reissued our topic of school with "In Table VI episode" during September, which was still a pretty successful time.
Bracket: a delight to play and "work" with her ... and then a nice meeting in early August in Bordeaux (too bad you're so far north of France my Lili)

Some ideas for show, office and bathroom ...

So at level 68 for a long time Now, without knowing when the new levels appear.

Superbgirl is also the last level (the last 3 new and crossed in one day!)
  • Superbgirl
Game Day: 582
Dollars: 103,465
Attitude: 1113152
IQ: 250.67
Level: 49 Ranking: 1673rd


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