Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Water Dry Will In My Laptop Lcd

France Wood Forest because of zeal but sends wrong form forest owners

Very many forest owners, individuals or groups, foresters, who have received these past few days a letter from France Wood Forest with a form for the statement of contribution to the CVO (Voluntary Contribution Required).

We can lament the threatening tone of this letter marked "LAST CALL" even though it is, to our knowledge the first installment. Even if no one is "supposed to ignore the law" method seems somewhat cavalier.

Especially as the lightness of FBF does not stop there. She sent a form to forest owners who only concerns commercial or industrial enterprises whose obligation is to pay this contribution on the basis of their turnover from timber sales. This approximation

from FBF exempts yet not every forest owner acquit the CVO, but using another form you can download from this link if you do not asked the cooperative (or its subsidiary UBC) to collect the CVO for your account. (We apologize for the very poor quality of the form France has sent Wood Forest. We are awaiting a more readable version that we will provide you with receipt).

In this case, you simply send an email to FBF at the following address: or fax 01 40 19 81 11 or a post to France Wood Forest - PO Box 65 to 92 202 NEUILLY SUR SEINE - CĂ©dex

This letter must include your name or your group as well as the SIRET extras on the declaration form which was sent to you. On this one simply indicate that you are not concerned because you have entrusted to the care Forests & Bois de l'Est / UBC collect the CVO for your account. Thus, France Wood Forest will be withdrawn from its lists.

careful however if you sold to other buyers who did not make this collection because you have to report these sales and pay the corresponding amounts.

For your convenience in the future, if you have not already done so, we encourage you to ask the collection of this contribution on your next transaction for the sale of wood to the cooperative.

How do I know if the cooperative has collected the CVO for your account?

You can check 2 ways:
- the back of our sales contracts you have ticked the box indicating that you entrust us with this collection. When you have opted for this solution once we collect systematically during all subsequent transactions unless you have told us give it up.

- footer of all bills providing or purchasing wood that we publish for your account is calculated the amount we have collected and donated to France Bois Foret.

If you can not find these documents, please contact our services you indicate your status regarding the collection.

But the fact that what the CVO?

The creation of the Voluntary Contribution Required in the timber industry has been decided by all the professional organizations representing the sector. These include the Federation of Private Forest Union of France and the French Cooperation Forest. So this is a voluntary legal arrangement that made it mandatory for all stakeholders in the timber industry, starting with the public and private forest owners.

This contribution is used to finance development the sector through a variety of actions. The more readable for the general public is the communication campaign to promote wood in construction, broadcast by all major media nationnaux few months ago. This action has very real repercussions for today's forest owners and industry through the significant increase in market share of wood in construction. This increase partly explains the good performance of over softwood even though the economy is still recovering. For more information about the actions of France Bois Forest please visit their website:


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