Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cutting Curves In Slate Tile

Sarko the Catholic

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sarko the cathode.

It has escaped anyone, except the last of morons Dinaric Alps, the president of our journey to the land of Benedict XVI was to win back a French Catholic voters that it says "disoriented" and "disappointed" in him. As for the secularists, it has long does it cure, and prefers the cure to the teacher (or the imam at the intellectual, to do more in our modern multicultural societies).
Catholic Friends, I'm thinking more openly, much less practicing, but I still have quite a lot of my education religious. So rest assured I am not saying that you believed a second to the sincerity of this "Mass for France" to which our naboléon lent himself, even elsewhere to take a few discrete remonstrances of attendant sermon. Sarko the Catholic, is a joke, and it has always been the piper. As the little Corsican in its time, Nicolas Sarkozy sees the Church in a way to win elections and retain power. "With my pastors and my soldiers," said Bonaparte, "I want France." Furthermore, this type is the antithesis of Christian, he should be recalled here that it should be: humble, open, welcoming, generous, prefers people to little more wealthy, faithful in friendship as in love, respect others ... Do not throw away, it's true that too much for one man. In any case, it is not him!

Sarkozy or Le Pen?

In these troubled times where the extreme right gaining ground in Europe, including in countries considered particularly tolerant (Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark ...), we want that again the specter of Le Pen ( father and daughter). This terrible threat, which I admit does not prevent me from sleeping, is apparently behind the frenzy anti-Roma and security of our president. The ineffable Alain Minc, moral backing of the wealthy and savage globalization sees no malice. This would be after him with a "Faustian gamble", aiming to prevent some voters from the FN poached in 2007 to return in 2012. Mr. Minc, if he had been adviser to the Centre-right to power in Germany in 1932, would certainly have suggested to adopt several anti-Semitic measures in order to distract the sheep astray by the siren song of the NSDAP: after all, expelling some 20 000 Jews from Germany a year (those of Polish origin, for example), it would not have been a price to pay to prevent Hitler from gaining power, right?
Except that the Minc of the time, just like today, shoves his finger into the eye up the esophagus. In 1932-33, the Nazis have surfed on a wave of discontent due to massive unemployment and the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. Anti-Semitism was only a secondary catalyst after all. Today, they are not illegal immigrants who most exasperate our countrymen, just as our European neighbors, but the daily insecurity (as Sarko never stopped), social insecurity (as Sarko worse), and anxiety breath to see our society by Muslim fundamentalists who nibble from all sides stamped halal.
Moreover, Le Pen is not Hitler, both in ideas, the nature of its movement, or in his character. It is also true that all the objects to Sarkozy: son of a fisherman from Breton cons son petit bourgeois immigrant from Hungary; bon vivant cons maniacal plan and compulsive jogger; wielding character perfectly cultivated the French language against the smug expression doubtful adventurer became an entrepreneur cons avocaillon always hatched by "sponsors" then he has betrayed, a man of conviction cons weathervane professional real lovers of France against an unconditional U.S. ... the gap is huge, and I acknowledge that on the whole, Le Pen seems infinitely more sympathetic. And finally not dangerous, and for one simple reason, which separates again from anyone who claims we 'protect' the old leader of the FN has never wanted power, his main pleasure is to play the tribunes and annoy the 'establishment' as he likes to describe our political-economic-media.
The late Claude Chabrol, who knew him well had made this plain in a TV show some years ago , immediately attracting air pinched by Jacques Attali, this on the same shelf: "Here you do not make me laugh ..." Was not laugh, Jacques, but to think. You know, right?
But there Marine, does one objected. Navy, she wants to "climb". She moderates her speech, but beware of the foul beast, etc ... Oh, Marine! It is true that apart from certain sizes of UMP, she centrist figure. And you want it worry me? And then, someone who was attacked in song by Diam's can only have my respect!

Men and gods ...

Both evangelical Christians Algerian arrested for "violation of Ramadan" has been released. Others still fill the prisons in this wonderful country where Islam was driven underground to better infect the legislation. Bouteflika played with bearded men like Sarkozy with the extreme right: it is their policy to prevent them from taking power!
What happens there, as in almost all Muslim countries, yet we must be alerted. When, by dint of "tolerance" and "openness to difference," the Europeans have given up to affirm their identity to other conquering cultures, they have more than their eyes to weep over their lost liberties. I do not want my son later be forced to hide to eat during Ramadan. I do not want that they can not see girls in the street, a pair of eyes coming out of a bag, or they can hold their hands in public without being attacked by madmen .
Our civilization has adopted a God with a human face, which was gradually put away quietly in private that he does not break too many feet. So much effort and intelligence can not be sacrificed even in the name of a hypothetical civil peace in the suburbs or elsewhere. Sooner or later, this little game, to paraphrase Churchill, we have both war and dishonor.


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