Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Vote Of Thanks At Wedding Reception

How to kill a rebel? If José Bové.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to kill a rebel? If José Bové.

Gaddafi is a fool. Crush a rebellion without firing a shot, it is perfectly feasible, evidence by the European Union and José Bové. In the late 1990s, José Bové became known as one of the leaders of the liberal anti-globalization. He participates in large lectures utopian Porto Alegre, in all the forums of ATTAC. At the head of the commando leftist peasants Larzac, dismantles the Millau McDonald's before launching his campaign for mowing large anti-GMO. In 2005, he thunders with many other pseudo-cons the European Constitutional Treaty, contributing to his defeat at the polls and disarray of the Eurocrats.
Then comes the good doctor Cohn-Bendit, who won in the General Staff of the Greens, illico renamed "Europe-Ecology," which announced the program at least. The former troublemaker became one policeman thought it brought the thundering Jose, before facilitating his election to Parliament. And the miracle is accomplished. Over the months, a holy mutation occurs. The demon Larzac calms down. It approves the Treaty of Lisbon, substitute the European constitution in 2005 that he had vomited, imposed on people through parliament in 2008. He is convinced that only "Europe" will find a solution to all our ills. In his latest book of interviews (From Larzac Brussels), transfer ends when the Braves Jose says he never liked the term "anti-globalization", too redolent of xenophobic or nationalistic, and always preferred to that of "alternative globalization", a "world without passports" ... Laissez-faire, laissez passer, goods, capital and people, if every guy in the world, etc ... A little more power-se shave that mustache too Gallic and proletarian, for example-and Mr. Bove will join the club of Alain Minc.
Poor Gaddafi! But you had had a great idea to mulch your rebellion with the Arab Maghreb Union. Sarko had regained the ball with his Union for the Mediterranean remained in dry dock. The fantasy of unity, a large market, left to the most ferocious appetite, chambers of recycling of political leaders turned into spokesmen for "the only possible policy, people confused and deprived of resilience other than a protest vote immediately demonized.
The great popular earthquake which shakes the entire Arab world makes it urgent thing now. Quick, quick, a "great thing" to stifle all that!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Air India Visa Message

Taxi to Tobruk

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mobile for tweens: is not that the package that unlocks.
M6 before yesterday echoed a brave mother complaint against Orange. She had purchased a package stuck at 17 euros per month for her offspring, but the guy managed to make "unlock" a simple phone call or email from the operator. Then, the charming boy rushed to fill up with premium SMS and other gadgets ruinous. Appraisal: 1600 euros to pay for Mom. While the report has been Notably, in chorus with the outraged mother, the lightness of the operator, who refuses to shoulder any responsibility in this inadvertent release. "A simple minor may, without supervision, do this or that ... it's absurd!".
Meanwhile, high on the picture, the kid in question, unperturbed, continued to fiddle with his plaything of a sullen and vaguely annoyed. What would I do instead of this mother? I am sorry that my first son to be a trickster of a doubled asshole (because how he thought not to be taken, therefore it mom who pays the bills?) then I would have deprived that young mobile moron as many months for 17 euros that m 'This joke has cost, plus other penalties to be invented. Finally, I would have turned against Orange to get my bearings a bit. But never, never, I would have allowed this moron to figure prominently on TV! In this story, there is no fee to unlock the drive.

Taxi to Tobruk.
Our dear friend Gaddafi did it seem much longer. His opponents, ever more numerous and better armed, about to pounce on Tripoli. The Western governments, led by France, seeking to overcome their relative inertia in the crises of Tunisia and Egypt in repeating large reels: threat of economic sanctions, prosecutions before the tribunal in The Hague, embargoes, etc. ... The erstwhile dear customer (to whom we refusâmes nothing during his last visit here, including the right to insult us) is again the infamous criminal years 1980. But Qaddafi is not to end up as a vulgar or Ben Ali Mubarak shaking led to some golden exile. Besides, he would like it would be hard to find the right place in the concert of hostility it arouses in the world. Russia, China, perhaps, like the good old days?
After releasing his African mercenaries as a despot Carthaginian bombed his own capital, he is preparing an end worthy of Hitler or Ceausescu. Few people, indeed, any real interest in what they get out alive. But businessmen have already advised reserved their taxi to Tobruk.

The Camp of the Saints, 38 years later.
There is much to say about the excellent novel by Jean Raspail, finally reissued Robert Laffont, I'm devouring. Remember only those who have never heard of, because of omerta politically correct, that this book published in 1973 tells the annihilation the West and the white race by hordes destitute and more or less peaceful coming of the Third World. The reader may think what he wants, according to his ideas, experience and sensitivity. But it is an authentic work, written with a raging fever and a talent that can not find much in contemporary French writers, locked in the triptych "Me, my head and my ass" .
The most striking feature in this "anti-epic," according to the author's own words, is the dismal picture of a civilization so spineless that it lets eat without firing a shot, poisoned by decades of debilitating consumerism and intellectual well-terrorism thinking. It reminds me of this passage Planet of the Apes, Pierre Boulle, when the monkeys come to power only with whips for arms.
But Europeans do not like their elite global, so do not want to let it go. Even their leaders must agree, under penalty of election: "multiculturalism" sectarianism or Anglo-Saxon it does not work. That was the theme of a debate broadcast on France Ô last Thursday. A very fair debate. The only Yvan Rioufol of Figaro , faced Patrick Lozes (Leader of CRAN, the black lobby), Pascal Blanchard, historian "specialist and post-colonial history" (which served as a bond " scientist "to the film Outside the Law) and an obscure sociologist Franco-Maghrebi air surly. Cracking jaws Proceedings insured.
be clear, I do not Rioufol and Sarko-américanolâtrie. But here I took pity and a little ashamed for freedom of expression in my country, to see in 2011 also loaded the dice in Raspail's novel.
But again, the sixty-eighters vomited that the author of the Camp of the Saints , triumphing in 1973, took the lead in the wing. The Benedict XVI Raspail-imagined by a sort of puppet-Christ and sordid has nothing to do with the conservative Ratzinger. Internet offers a wide possibility of power-cons to mainstream media (the rebels in the Arab world know something). The presence of more most massive visible minorities, claims more and more aggressive, has fostered a new awareness among Europeans about the danger of becoming minority in their homes. Myself, former left-wing militant anti-racist, I measure the progress made since my misspent youth.
Is it falling into the rough panel barker the Elysée, which gives us a "debate on secularism and the place of Islam in France"? The dismal foirade of national identity has not been enough, he did it again! The old blow diversion and solicitation election is really all he has left in store to save the day in 2012. The balance of Sarkozyism in all areas, is catastrophic. And this is not the least of his mistakes of trying, by all means, to exacerbate tensions between the French seriously while weakening the public authority in terms of resources as prestige.
For Islam in France, no need to debate. There are laws and a secular constitution that we must vigorously enforce, throughout the territory. Secularism, secularism alone, but any secularism. This is our "Camp of the Saints" us, French. And I do not count on Sarkozy, who as a spat once, to defend him.

Funny Wedding Invite Wording Examples

Tatin of apples my way

A delicious cake that comes very well with custard or a scoop of vanilla ice

Line a mold missed by Silicone maple syrup.
Place small pieces of apple on it (the equivalent of about 5 apples peeled)
Pour over apple mixture following:
4 eggs + 170 g cane sugar, 150 g of flour, 1 / 3 bag of yeast, 150 g of melted butter (salted possible)
bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Remove from pans immediately.

possible variants
instead of maple syrup: caramel
instead of apples: pineapple chunks
for dough: one can add to taste: cinnamon and rum.

Kates Playground Set 17

Ma bimbo in the high levels!

And yes the beautiful bimbo Mielu is found recently in senior levels!
It would be merely to survive at 68, but good to force it more and more bored. So she decided to leave the level 71 where it vegetated to see what was happening elsewhere ... then February 14, the day of Valentine's Day, she sent roses on her boyfriend of the moment, a certain Mark. After training as a tamer after which she recovered a beautiful tiger, she climbed in one day (after much effort anyway, do not believe it easy) levels 73 to 80.
The last level is the 91st, there's hope for it to arrive before its 1000th day of play

Regarding the creation of topics, 2 new themes have emerged on the forum: the "bimbo time machine" in November 2010 and "Cabaret bimbo" in January 2011 with teammates still thunder and a great reception from players and players of the site.

And Mielu will certainly beat a strange record: that of participation in the parade of finalists each week. Implemented beginning in October 2010 to try reduce cheating contest of Miss Bimbo, the new competition is unfortunately subject to many forms of cheating hidden out of site and desperate attempts to integrate certain of reaching the 50 elected. Me, I can tell you that I do nothing for her elected!
This suggests that its participation is uninterrupted since the establishment of this competition except for 2 or 3 weeks.

  • Mielu
    862 th day of play
  • 6198 bimbos gold
  • 3468270 bimbos attitude
  • IQ of 481.2 , Level 80

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can Panadol Suddenly Kill A Dog

Conference discussion of the tree to the boiler room under the Wood Energy Wood Energy

forest resources will be sufficient to meet the needs of combined industry and wood energy? Forests & Woods Eastern Energy and NFB are convinced. But they also fear that this sector is not organized in collaboration with public and private forest growers and we are witnessing a simple transfer of resources from one sector to another.
producers and their economic organizations have to offer concrete solutions to avoid this pitfall. These structuring the sector upstream, to consolidate and coordinate the activities of forest producers that they are able to bring additional supplies needed for the emerging energy sector.
But why would they be better able than others to achieve? Well first of all because they have an interest. In the short term because sell higher volumes mean increased revenues. In the medium and long term because the impoverishment of the industrial sectors of pulp and panels would mean a loss of markets generating value added total for the sector, so a lower valuation of many other forest products.
But their interest does not stop there. They are more interested than any other that the harvesting of forest products is done in compliance with environmental rules. Soil conservation, biodiversity and populations of the future is the guarantee of the continued state of their production.
is all of these key ideas that will be exposed as part of the conference - debate organized by F & Co BE and NFB Energy and associated visits, next Friday, March 25:
From 11:30, a conference - debate publication "of the tree to the boiler room" will be organized jointly with NFB Energy. The event will take place in two stages in Hall C at Besancon Micropolis:

- from 11:30 to 12:00: 3 presentations on the context of wood energy and wood industry in the Far East with : Jerome Klotz - Director Commercial E & BE who will present the state of the market in Greater East in the medium term; Pierre DUCRAY director of the Union of Forestry French Cooperation will present the state of the resource and its availability in private forests in the same territory, Yves Marie GARDETTE of Directorate General of NFB that will reflect the resource and its availability in public forests.

- from 12h00 to 13h00: debate who meet Benedict FRAUD NFB Director of Energy; Cyril Lepicard President of the Union of French Forestry Cooperation; Jackie Favret President of the Association of Forest Franche County and Pope Benedict Cyprian deputy mayor of the city of Besancon in charge of environment, sustainable development and energy control.

From 14h30 to 17h00: Visit of Besançon in communal forest and boiler Planoise as a program with (*):

- demonstration of harvesting and milling of products specifically for energy
- presentation on the logistics organizations and the quality of fuels

(*) Please note registration for tours is required, either from our agency Franche Comté for our members or guests: agence.franche-Count @ , either on the show website for outsiders (registration link at the bottom of page).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reference Letter Community Service

Besançon: the tension!

Actors wood energy are in full swing. The tension is palpable and number of entrants in the market worried about the increasing difficulty in obtaining supplies. Even before the industrial project developers, intermediaries that are positioned in this market without experience or those who have built their development on the model years 80-90 logging companies subsidiaries of paper mills, have cold sweat.

They realize that their commitments towards customers who have put their trust will be very difficult to achieve in a context of recovery in industrial production and that there are more shares of intense lobbying from forest owners owners of the resource.

Even though these firms have dumped several months on the market, causing sales prices down, they are temporarily in the bidding to capture timber and attempt to become indispensable as intermediaries.

Two scenarios are therefore possible for the years and months ahead: either they succeed in their task and they will sweep away the competition by installing an oligopoly ungenerous with forest producers to recover their stake. Either they will fail and then risk leaving many nonperforming loans.

is precisely to avoid such unpleasant situations that forestry cooperatives in France, allied to the National Forest have decided to act to safeguard the fundamental interests of forest owners.

This effective partnership for several years is to provide a secure supply to consumers Wood energy in defending fairly the interest of public and private forest growers. This by negotiating the sale price to pay balanced optimally producers in the long term and ensuring the sustainability opportunities.

These organizations including Forestry & Wood East are able to offer concrete solutions to any forest owner. Private forest owners may contact the Great Eastern to the cooperative to sell any quantity of wood energy, but also all the other qualities of wood. The only concern of the cooperative will be to optimize the marketing to maximize the benefit of producers, not to treat the wood energy as an end in itself.

Forestry cooperatives, NFB Energy, as the private companies mentioned in the article, have an obligation to maximize profits for their shareholders. The difference between these two types of structures is the nature of their shareholdings. The first two directly owned by forestry producers or their representatives, the latter to investors whose interests are not necessarily those of producers converged.

For these reasons, Forests & Eastern wood covers not only the marketing of their harvest timber but with the eye of the forest manager, so it is respectful of soils and forest stands in the short or long term.

To contact us: mailto :

Hursthouse Virtue Ethics

DSK, our only chance?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

; DSK, our only chance?

I just read the article in Marianne just before the speech TV of the current president of the IMF. It confirms the effect produced by the guy at the show. Sound, efficient, intelligent in its spread, prudent. I am not talking about his potential talents French leader, but his ability to confront Sarkozy in 2012. In any case, polls are overwhelming in his favor, and Nicolas Domenach fine analysis of "projective capacity" of the character: the fantasy of the ideal candidate to get rid of Naboth Elysian, far ahead of his rival, Socialist Party (Aubry, Hollande, Royal's far above zero)
Other candidates objection raised by the survey are divided into three groups:
-extras (about 1% of voting intentions): Nathalie Arthaud, the new figurehead of Workers' Struggle ; Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the last of the real Gaullists.
- Tasks: (between 5 and 10%), Eva Joly, Mélenchon Besancenot, Villepin, Bayrou. They are there to annoy the "big candidates," and as a reserve of votes more or less marketable.
- On 3 e man, or rather woman, Marine Le Pen, who fondles 17-18%. She has already begun to siphon militants NPA of Besancenot too ... that'll teach you to flirt with beards and envoilées, comrade!
Nevertheless, rejection of Sarkozy is such that one can reasonably expect that released next year. DSK prevail at 2 e round with 61% of the vote! This recalls the fantasies of Jacques Delors in 1994-95. Remain cautious and are considering the main case.
1) DSK is present, and its "socialist comrades" play the game actively supporting his campaign. Except twist of fate, it prevails widely and we are rid of the worst president in the history of the Fifth Republic. Champagne! But to do what next? Do better than Sarko, it will not be too hard (especially in foreign policy, where we are fighting right now all the records of blunders). Break with the capitalist decay, despair and an overwhelming sense of national decline, there will be much more severe.
is where the voter must make a conscious effort of constitutional thought, and do not forget that after the presidential elections, there are laws. That DSK can govern, certainly, but not with a pink room ready to swallow anything in the name of "realism" and "Europe" and all these lies that we have both wrong, as the old Marshal said.
2) DSK does not show up (we did it Delors) to continue to shine in the firmament technocratic and financial world. Or, his candidacy is nipped in the bud at the primary socialist ... which is the same, but worse for the SP with heartbreaks and settling of scores that are seemingly a few months before presidential elections. Sarkozy wins at 2 e turn narrowly, against any socialist candidate.
A chance to win one of lost a chance to scratch: see Case No. 1. The voter then makes intelligent dam UMP by any means. The famous presidential dynamic, close to zero in this case (except once twisted type terrorist attack at the last moment), will not play for the members of the outgoing majority. In fact, we are off again for the 4 th cohabitation of the Fifth Republic. Martine Aubry with Matignon? A lesser evil, after all, because the situation will not allow the continuation of the famous "reforms" that liberals of all stripes are calling for. Few years of respite for the rest of the French model, it's always good to take.
3) A match Marine Le Pen Sarkozy to 2 e turn. Any voter left magnet France knows what it needs to be done. Obviously not play the useful idiots of the liberal right, as in 2002: manifest "against fascism", then vote Sarkozy. Might as well put a bullet in the head! Two things:
-Abstain. No white vote, which is useless (no one ever says the white vote, considered a tie, and thrown in the trash election). Back to back two ugly face to face in a deadly, where the head of the UMP can only win with a score of about 60/40, as Hindenburg against Hitler in 1932. Then to block the UMP in the legislative. Not fire at the lake, finally.
-Voting Marine Le Pen. Why not? His social agenda is not less than that of PS, its anti-Islamic rhetoric or anti-immigrant is not more extreme than many tenors UMP. Narrowly elected, Sarko will be even weaker against the left in the legislative elections. Defeated, he leaves room for a Marine Le Pen that the majority vote in two rounds depriving them of any hope to form a majority in his devotion. Single risk, an alliance UMP / FN sauce Italian. So I opt for abstention.

France can be assimilated to Arab dictatorships?

Apparently not, if one believes the right-thinking people, including Jean-Michel apathy echoed in response to an advanced Marianne. In another article of this blog dated 10 February ( Teachers and judges, even combat) I had the opportunity to highlight the many similarities between our beautiful republic yet sarkozyenne and schemes of Ben Ali Mubarak, Gaddafi and others. Nevertheless, I forgot one argument. In 2005, a clear majority of French (and Europeans if they were allowed the opportunity), rejected the proposed "Constitutional Treaty" concocted by the transnational elites. In 2007, the candidate Sarkozy says he will not call into question the will of the French, nor does it affect retirement at age 60. In 2008, he passed by parliament's Lisbon Treaty, a remake of the 2005. In 2010, pension reform in a particularly unfair.
So how is called a regime that cares less about the people's will on issues as fundamental as these?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Does Milk Cause Herpes To Outbreak

prices made wood sawmill observed by forest cooperatives nationally

For a little over a year, the Union of French Cooperation Forest Observatory publishes quarterly sales prices cooperation at national level.

latest release observatory just been published and gives trends on different species.

comments accompanying the published diagrams are presented below:

A-The Oak:
The analysis covers all grades of Oak, but slicing, peeling and antler. After a recovery in prices in Q1 2009, Year2009 was marked by a significant decline in prices (15% or more in some areas) until 3rd quarter 2009. The parquet market which absorbed large quantities of oak is handicapped by the weakness of European construction, and especially the Asian competition. 4 th quarter in 2009, prices recover (except Market wooden staves). The trend has resumed in markets other than slicing and stave been confirmed at first and then in the second quarter of 2010. The price recovery is partly due to lower volumes sold in public forests, and necessitated for sawmills to replenish their stock of roundwood. In 4th quarter 2010 sales volumes were lower due to reduced supply. The return of sales to China for the intermediate grades in the North of France seems to reinvigorate the market on medium or low categories.
The antler market is showing signs of recovery not reflected in these statistics.

B-The Beech: Beech
courses are historically very low since 2001. They follow a sawtooth curve, linked to local phenomena in the presence of export markets, and differences in wood quality. Sales volumes are also historically low. In 4th quarter 2010 sales volumes and prices recover (from a very low base) C-The

Storm Klaus who has shot many poplar in January 2009 had little effect reduces the price of lumber delivered .. There was no congestion market found on maritime pine following Hurricane Klaus with poplar. Since the 4th quarter of 2009 there is a recovery in timber prices, driven by the quality of poplar. The difficulties in the supply of Gabon Okoume plywood manufacturers require to turn to poplar. In 4th quarter prices and volumes are recovering much sign of a market that finds colors.

D-spruce and fir
The second quarter of 2008 was a record high for the price of wood of fir and spruce (also called white resin). Since then prices have continued to deteriorate loser up to 20% of its value a year later. The 4th quarter of 2009 was marked by a sharp upturn in prices that has continued even during the 4th quarter of 2010 .. Since the second quarter of 2010, strong demand in Spruce mills combined with French requests for sawmills German, Belgian and Swiss contribute to returning to the high prices before the crisis.
volume sold during the 4th quarter beats the record of the third quarter of 2010 and reached an absolute maximum for the monitoring of the Observatory (1st Quarter 2008). E-

Douglas Douglas
The market was at a high level courses to 4th quarter 2008. It deteriorated after that of Spruce in January 2009. This market was less competition from the Germanic and Scandinavian softwood sawmills. The prices were more stable, and at a high level. Douglas fir and larch can reach specific markets outside who were less affected by the crisis as markets Spruce. Since the second quarter 2009 prices are trending upward. Stability observed since the 3rd quarter of 2009 is only apparent: in reality the small and medium continues to grow wood, large wood are stable. In 4th quarter 2010, prices are virtually unchanged from the 3rd quarter of 2010.
volume sold during the fourth quarter of 2010 is a high level, but still below the level reached during the 2nd quarter 2010 record. This offer is inadequate in relation to industrial demand. This paradox is explained by an increase in available resources below the growth in demand from sawmills.

Ussel February 20, 2011
Lionel Say
CFBL Cooperative on behalf of UCFF

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sample Vote Of Thanks At A Wedding

Are you less French than he?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Are you less French than him?

"France is a nation of peasants, and must remain so." This phrase is attributed to Marshal Petain, but it still expresses a sentiment rooted in the unconscious class of our country. Operators beautiful farm disappear almost as surely as the bears of the Pyrenees (except that it does not come from peasant Slovenia to replace our own), every politician must pay tribute to the profession and demonstrate its commitment to rurality. There are those who do it with conviction (Petain, Mitterrand, Chirac and the best in the genre), and others. Sarkozy certainly belongs to the second category. The ritual visit to the Salon of Agriculture, now as before, is a nightmare for him. He does not touch the ass of cows, a drink or a bite. The earth does not lie, as said the other, but lying to him almost all the time.
Under these conditions, the offensive launched by Christian Jacob (the Ran-tan-plan of the UMP, Fillon dixit) against Dominique Strauss-Kahn takes the big joke. DSK is not from "our land" and this would be enough to disqualify him for the next president. Born in North Africa, Jewish racketeer and boss of the IMF. CV to scream polemicists of the 1930s. But what of that of the current president? Half-Jewish mother, the child of Hungarian immigrant, business lawyer who always lived in Neuilly, unconditional admirer of the United States. Are you less French than he? We'll see how political supply will come in 2012, but this game unhealthy, Marine Le Pen has a bright future ahead of her. I had not already demonstrated against his father in 2002, do not expect me to pound the pavement ten years later. There are regimes that no longer deserve to be defended. Not Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans who contradict me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Am I Having Wet Dreams


Monday, February 14, 2011


No, I did not watch the show of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, inviting the other night his great friend Sarkozy for a new "face the French." Explanations twisted and the effects of race of dwarf no interest, especially in the context of a show where everything was planned to serve. No question, of course, to confront the President again to the ten French the previous issue (January 2010): they had promised to go see them, they had said that unemployment would decline, and the hens have teeth Week four Thursdays. These peasants might have had the nerve to remember, and hold it against him. So we resumed others, and it is back. It is also necessary that the voters-viewers have no memory too short.
The Sarko-show Pernaut is like a porn movie. When we saw one, you seen them all.
is always vulgar, sometimes vaguely exciting, ultimately disgusting.


is a French film by Pierre Morel-produced by Dream Factory by Luc Besson, Europacorp-released in 2008, released a few weeks ago on TF1. I had promised to talk about in this column without knowing how topical the link. The sling magistrates against Sarkozy finally gives me the opportunity.
The story is simplicity itself. A former U.S. secret agent, played by Liam Neeson, let her daughter go to Europe with a friend of his age, for a "plan bitch" who told him no good. Just arrived in Paris, the two unfortunate are removed by horrible Albanian gangsters engaged in white slave traffic. Dad embarks on their heels and made every single household, lack of support of a French police also incapable as corrupt. Beyond the game quite enjoyable massacre (the film worked well in the States), which sees the hero knock out hordes of Albanians, billionaires and a vicious Emir obese, it is legitimate to ask some questions.
First, the implicit moral: Do not trust the authorities, and clean the house yourself. Then a disastrous image of French director gives his own country, solely in order to please his American masters. Corruption, violence, rejection of all rules of law and big demagoguery. The history of cinema will be in Taken an excellent reflection of France sarkozyenne.