Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Calculate Recurring Deposit Intrest Rates

The staff and Board of Forestry & Wood East wish you a very good 2011

Congratulations Quotes For New Work

What impels a forest owner to cut the wood?

Scientists from INRA, CIRAD and SFER have worked on the determinants of the decision to cut and harvest level of private forest owners.

The report, downloadable in pdf , led the conclusion that the Region including the industrial environment plays a big role and membership of a management structure.

From there to infer that the combination of private forest growers in cooperatives is a solution to the chronic under-exploitation of the French forest, there is only one step for us ... that we are taking blithely.

Helicobacter Pylori Shortness Of Breath

The President meets UCFF heavy industry in the Moniteur

The crushing industry (industry panels and papers) sounded the alarm recently about their supply difficulties.

Monitor published on December 10 last an interview cross where Cyril Picard, new president of the Union of Forestry French Cooperation, and Laurent de Sutter, president of the Union of Industrial Process Panels, expose different views to explain the difficulties faced by industries.

For industries, the scapegoat is the wood used for energy. For the president of the Union of Cooperatives the explanation lies in a broad restructuring undertaken at European level by the industry and the crisis has undermined the logging.

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The industry looks at the future of Beech

Beech The market continues to deteriorate in France even though wood is a material vogue and other international competitors arrive at the value. This situation is catastrophic for public and private forest owners whose production no longer flows to meet the needs of the forest.

Will be back the situation of the 19th century when 80% of beech trees were harvested in France as a destination for the energy industry?

France Bois Foret, among other inter-national body of collection of the CVO (Voluntary Contribution Required) addressed this issue. She has commissioned a consultancy study strategy for an inventory of these difficulties and propose solutions to get out of this rut. This study can be downloaded in PDF

It does not introduce revolutionary conclusions but some data points that is interesting to remember.

CapDecisif The firm made the observation that beech sawmills in France are very small in size compared to their international competitors. They mobilize their human and financial resources in their procurement function, which does not give them the means to engage in innovation, marketing or sales. These elements are however essential in an economic world where the importance of customers is growing.

By mobilizing their financial resources in their inventories, by depriving these sawmills In addition to investment opportunities and growth.

Among the recommendations of this report it is noted that of promoting the supply contracts to develop industrialization, promote the consolidation of forest owners to organize marketing and resource sustainability.

Many therefore of relevance to our senses in this study. Hope that it will actually move the lines and do not go unheeded as many others that lie at the bottom of cartons of archives.

Sending Message About New Born Baby

The General Assembly of Forests Wood & East will be held March 25 in Besancon

The meeting General 2011 the cooperative will be held March 25 at Microplolis Besançon in the framework of the exhibition of wood energy. It will be followed by a conference bringing together several leading figures in the forestry sector and a tour of sites of production of fuelwood and heating.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Outdoor Santa Clauses

What will become of bioenergy in 2030?

The Centre for Prospective Ministry of Agriculture has just published a study showing different scenarios for the likely development of bio energy in France by 2030.

A seminar for the return of this large study will be held at the Ministry on January 19 next.

The researchers examined the emerging trends and observed energy and bio energy and have sought to identify variables that may influence future developments. Among these variables were found, for example: land availability, environmental performance of bio fuels or the status of resources mobilized.

Wood representing the main source of biomass in our country, it naturally has its place in this study downloadable PDF

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Portofoliile online

Dear students,

holidays approaching. Do not forget to fill their portfolios with topics that you think are conclusive! You can post a personal blog or a wiki you wax, you can download files in word, pictures and movies. Les Stereotypes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What To Wear Theme Traditional

Ségolène and Mount Caramel The King of Comedy

Sunday, December 5, 2010


It was too long for his taste, that it noticed the most, if not to comment on her look more granny and her weight gain. Segolene Royal could do no more. Then she broke down and snitch, I declare myself a candidate Socialist primaries by offering Matignon in DSK. And bam, I'm getting robbed for the 3rd or 4th time. Victim! I am a poor victim! Harassment, conspiracy, intimidation and tutti quanti.
The burglar was found, and does not seem to be an agent of the DCRI. The hierarchs of the Party sigh. Ben finally has perhaps not wrong, the Sego, should buck up bin to designate our candidate ... All for it.

Wikileaks to the rescue of Physofblog.

Nothing really shocking in the "revelations" of the dispensary of Mr. Assange. Anyone who stands a little about world affairs and hears not be fooled by official purring may be surprised. Saudis false bottoms, stupidly conservative Merkel, Sarko authoritarian américanolâtre ... But I'm glad to see that the gossip of American diplomacy merely corroborate what I think and said on this blog for over three years! The sinking


Plans to "rescue" of European countries in crisis to follow in their form and their consequences. General bleeding, social regression and recession at all. But markets are eager for the blood of peoples, those piglets that can be spit out by counting on the complicity of their breeders, pardon their leaders. After Greece, Ireland, Portugal, who's next?
The EU and the Euro were to protect us, we swore. Even Elie Barnavi, the "lou delighted" Europeanist Marianne, eventually the thing to look for a boat drunk, lamenting that there is no governance more lucid, blaming the Germans their selfishness. Elias, wake up, they are not gone mad. It's your dream has foundered. The wreck started when the six founders, instead of creating a confederation of pragmatic interests (Europe according to De Gaulle), have yielded to the sirens free trade and U.S. pressure to give precedence enlargement on integration. That was in 1972. 38 years on a wrong track, it can go up, chief?

fire at Mount Caramel. A helping hand to turn it off?

While France is shivering, Israel bursts of hot and the park of Mount Caramel ablaze.
In September 1989, during a short stay in Israel, I attended another fire at the same place that the authorities had been able to curb their own without calling for help around the world. And if we took the opportunity to remind Netanyahu that it is time to stop construction of settlements in the West Bank? No, no, that would mean ... It is true that the place is beautiful. This would be a shame it disappeared. Not Bibi Netanyahu, the park ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Do Finger Go White

The economy and trade of wood late 2010

At the end of 2010, France Bois publishes Forest his note Tendency:

- economic conditions of wood in the world analyzed by the Timber Trade

- the price development of wood made in France by UCFF

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TV Spot: I say YES to wood timber to say NO to CO2!

Stir Fry With Noodles And Post Calories

Fight against Climate Change: Use Wood sheet of

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greet Church Anniversery Quotes

Cultural stereotypes: draft

Niveau: intermédiaire / Avance


• Apprendre about different ways to gather information (desk research and survey)
• Make a written report of research results
• Summarize an article
• Ask research questions (develop a working hypothesis)
• Oral presentation of results Search instructions

• All groups will numerals 3 and 4. Then you make a choice between 1 and 2 between 5 and 6.
• Written work will therefore include 4 parts.
• Points 3 and 4 / 5 will be structured and an oral presentation supported by audiovisual aids (powerpoint, displays, ...)
written work. Group work.
What is a cultural stereotype? What forms can take a cultural stereotype? Do a literature search. Check at least three different sources. Develop a definition-description of the concept of "cultural stereotype". Do not forget to mention your sources. Your written work will not exceed 1 A4 typed.
Report writing.
Perform an investigation into the stereotypes. - First determine what / what is your question / theme. What do you know? - Develop a questionnaire afterwards. Determine who will be part of the sample of interviewees. - Pass the investigation. - Summarize the results obtained. In your written work, you include the investigation, the rationale for selection of interviewees and the summary results of the investigation.
3.Comprendre an article and summarize it.
Individual written work.
Your teacher will give you 4 articles on stereotypes. Choose one and make it a written summary. Each student summarizes a different article and then explain the contents of his article to other students. Ask a question research. Group: If you had to do a research on stereotypes, what is your research question? Ask at least two of you based on articles read.
4.Analyser a comic.
Written report and oral presentation.
Group work.
Choose a comic strip in the list you will receive from the teacher and do the following tasks.
1.Lisez comics and summarize the story (max. 20 lines).
2.Répondez. What kind is part of history? Is this a thriller ■ ■
a fairytale
an adventure story ■ ■
a history of science fiction comic story

■ ■
a historical novel a legend?

Justify your answer.
3.Analysez characters. Find yourself stereotypes? Describe the function of the character in the story, character, behavior and why it is called a stereotype.
This will be a formal oral presentation, supported by audiovisual aids (PowerPoint, poster, ...)
5.Analyse and oral presentation.
Group work.
Advertising is an ideal use of stereotypes. Looking for three ads that contain them. Explain the stereotype. Analyze argumentative techniques used by advertising professionals in your ads. You include the commercials and your preparation notes in your search folder.
6.Analyse and oral presentation.
Group work.
National Stereotypes in the French language. How national stereotypes manifest themselves in the French language (eg. In proverbs). Looking in at least 5 examples and explain in meaning. Indicate that you are the most truthful and justify your answer. You include your notes in preparation for your search folder. p. ex. Slip away.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

The King of Comedy.

Sarko finally decides to put an end to months of ridiculous antics. Not knowing what to do to make it interesting, and eager to catch the eye damage exceeded its majority, so it burns the steps of his original script. Redesign anticipated resignation yesterday of the government, to renew a team Fillon "Tightened". What suspense! France 2, the chain of power, has taken the game with some acidity from the guest commentators with a "special" at 13:15 today. The vicissitudes of the Court shall always ramble. It's pathetic. What will become of the cuckold Borloo? Is this the comeback of Alain Juppe? And Kouchner and machine, and something cool?
All these officials are a reflection of the great nobles who squirmed in the ass to Versailles to please His Majesty. The honors, pensions, and it boosts their reason for living. "I would get much better my life in the private ! "Retort when they all has some doubts about their pure dedication to the public. Somewhat the same argument as that advanced by the big bosses and traders crammed bonuses, stock options and pensions hat: "I could go abroad! "I suggest all these puppets to waltz in this way: the top names from private simply flee abroad, and our policy will have to take their place. Viewpoint competence and social usefulness, will we find anything. We would even
substantial savings by fucking all out without compensation.

Monday, November 15 2010

The King of Comedy (continued).

Borloo was no less than I thought. He slams the door and threatens to reconstruct a centrist pole cons Sarko the band in 2012. Good idea, but I wish him a lot of courage to mobilize voters ectoplasmic with a non-existent political machine (the Radical Party!) And competition from Morin and Bayrou. Exit alibis opening. I will not shed a tear over Kouchner and Bockel (well done!), Fadela Amara nor (the received ineffective), but good luck to Rama Yade (because it is pretty stupid and not Gaullist heart). The rest of the reshuffle has no interest, otherwise dropping the masks. Juppe, the "straight man in his boots," the martyr of Chiraquie, to be a mayor of Bordeaux "full time", is sold for flat lens of the Ministry of Defence. The gadget of the Ministry of National Identity goes out the window, his owner Eric Besson was posted as a foil in the Duduche of Finance.
"President of all the French, for those who have not yet understood, is the puppet of the liberal right Atlanticist and management. It was through her and that she has always fought, and he will represent in 2012. Will it all of idiots in 2007 to extend it to the Elysee?

Friday, November 12, 2010

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UCFF or timeliness coppers forest in France

Contents of this issue of October-November of the sheet, media information from the National Federation of Cooperatives, the change of presidency at the head of the UCFF. Mr. Picard

The newly elected, said the policy he intends to head Forestry Cooperatives French. It also contains an interview with Mary Lestoil Presidency founder and present the various speeches at the inaugural general meeting.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mount & Blade Warband 1.011

Le Grand Charles murdered

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Le Grand Charles murdered.

De Gaulle celebrated instrumented De Gaulle, De Gaulle and murdered! (To be read with the accent of the Great Charles). The Memorial Day m'insupporte hype. The tribute paid by Sarkozy and Fillon, visiting Colombey revolts me. Both alumni of the CIA, which have almost finished trashing the French model intended by the General-which, no offense to our postmodern, has not lost its relevance-is gathering at his tomb and uttering empty words ... I would like ghosts exist, and that the spectrum of Man's June 18 come back to haunt both substitutes Petain.

Greek anarchists.

like old times Caserio, Vaillant and others, a few Greek anarchists have tried to take the good tradition of the targeted attacks against the "greats" of this world. The French Dwarf, Mother Tapdur German technocrats in Brussels. Gratifying, but unfortunately missed especially questionable. The anarchists are missing the target by aiming the lackeys of global capitalism. These are his top people need to cover: big bosses, big bankers, businessmen and brokers of all stripes. Once again, the irrational hatred of the state and politics is the game of the world market. The anarchists are the best allies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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12th G

Space your class.

Monday, November 1, 2010

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space in your class.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Follow Up Email To Interview

Good Halloween! F

Conditionalul trecut, intr-o forma simpatica.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Craving Egg Whites Around Period

Laugh in defeat

Thursday, October 28, 2010

joke of the day. Elise Lucet

receives Paco Rabanne France 2:
"I hope you have nothing against blacks, you
... No, but I can tell you about the Jews if you want! "

Sarkozy's victory.

Parliament has done its work, the reform went through "democratic" as the Treaty of Lisbon in his time. Comparison thing, so this regression is also strongly encouraged by the European Union, which has more to offer the people it imprisons the ultra-liberal shock treatment once reserved for countries of the former Soviet bloc . In the street, the movement is dwindling and the leaves are doing their work of Toussaint anesthesia. Our great president will be able to move on, by well-established method of permanent agitation storytelling of his American masters.
the menu, with the kind participation of the MEDEF and Chérèque (for CFDT), the serious question employment of young and elderly people. This will give the opportunity to endlessly argumentative, with the line of sight, if the line returns in 2012, a new "reform" going towards more flexibility, the unions have resumed their role as useful idiots.
The president wants it seems we play the "social" before the next presidential us sticky Borloo at Matignon. Borloo, who apparently went to the hairdresser and no longer drinks. A lie hidden in this last sentence ... which one?
Borloo Prime Minister. If proof were needed than under the Third Empire, the chief function of government is nothing other than a straw man, a mannequin or a worthless bauble, it's done. We will have to explain how this shyster, defender and friend of the poor people like Bernard Tapie, was more social than other henchmen sarkozystes.
In the kind and compassionate social well tricky, the UMP we quietly prepare another dirty trick on the theme of slightly rancid "will have money for old". As for pensions, we start by telling us: "The French live longer. Soon all old! This is great news! Then, the worst mine, we go to serious stuff: "But more elderly means more dependency care and finance ... "The state of having discarded the burden on local communities, which in turn are summed to save money, we'll have to spit again the French, or rather the employees, with various tax increases, and especially the removal of a day off. Raffarin is back with her Monday of Pentecost! It is in the old pots you make the best soups. And there are no protests or blockades in perspective: the opponents are exhausted by the last movement -Ultimately useless - and disarmed in advance by the namby-pamby and falsely emotional side of the project. "For our elders, our parents ... you do not want to let them die, right? "
Finally, live longer, ending a hostage and senile Sarkozyist France, this is not great news.

Two contradictory readings (?)

I just finished two books in quick exciting, and seemingly opposite: Let them all go! Jean-Luc Melenchon, and Inside the mind of a reaction, Eric Brunet.
Not the same style or even the object, and different views, at least in appearance. But I found myself in both, 90% in Mélenchon, 60% in Brunet.
The first wants to finish with capitalism and the mad dictatorship of the EU, Washington and break into a Paris-Moscow-Beijing. Oh, yes! But his blabber on "citizens' revolution", with basic committees and elections every four mornings so Ségolène on vacation in Venezuela, I do not think. The Soviets everywhere is anarchy or dictatorship in disguise. I am for the state, so authoritarian or democratic, to take responsibility. The second tells
his life and his intellectual resistance against the dominant discourse of a left and right-thinking circles ubiquitous "intellectuals" or alleged. There style is often very funny and well seen. A big mistake (or misprint?) About the spoils with the story of Che feasting public executions after Castro's victory in "1956-58". The victory took place in 1959, it seems difficult. More troubling, his praise of money and Sarkozyism uninhibited. The money still goes, but how an admirer of France's history can be seduced by the midget uncultivated which is being fuck up our country? Sarkozy does not rhyme with Napoleon, but with Stavisky ... or Tapie. In good "reaction" to the revolutionary trend that I am, I will synthesize the two books by the slogan of February 1934: "Death to the thieves! "Raiders of the right or left, all enemies of the people.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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The present tense.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Local Area Connection, Sent, Received

Herve Gaymard for a true industrial policy timber

The President of the Republic had signed an engagement letter to Herve Gaymard last January. The new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Forestry Office and was responsible for formulating proposals for the future of public institution.

A report on the NFB quoting forestry cooperatives could surprise a forest administration is so pervasive in the minds of many private forest before a penalty to be identified, sometimes even within the timber.

For our part we are not surprised because in recent years forestry cooperatives, Forestry & Wood East especially, and the NFB have learned to know and work together.

We even see many reasons to hope that the joint work of public and private forest managers can finally reform a French timber resembling that of a country underdeveloped as outlined Herve Gaymard.

Everything in the report by former Minister of Agriculture and Finance, is in line with the policy pursued by the Forestry Cooperatives:

First as regards the method of marketing in France which is considered obsolete and should be reformed by the development of industrial supply contracts. The goal for the forest service will achieve in the short term 90% of the marketing of softwood and 60% of hardwood in this form. This pulse will finally allow the industry to first turn to transform its production and its downstream sector rather than worrying primarily in its supply in the forest. He remained in private forests to follow the lead of this major development. Forestry cooperatives have the capacity for many years and waiting to be joined by other operators of forest management to transform the test.

Concerning wood energy, the president of the NFB advocates strengthening activities separate subsidiary of the institution in this field. Affiliates with whom Woods & Forests East has worked for many years. But it also indicates that common supply to all sectors is to be preserved. That of the panels, pulp and paper and of course timber. It is also a direction we have taken since the start of our own activities in wood energy. For us, it takes a healthy competition between these sectors it is necessary to preserve the diversity. Just because the industrial activity will always be more creative than the value added of energy.

The report also highlights the need to strengthen industrial investment in the national timber industry. This is the same observation made in 2008 already by the High Council for Agricultural Cooperation which highlighted the alarming deficit of investment in France in the timber industry and the modest size of this industry compared to other European competitors from France.

In this report we can finally include:
- the idea that forests should be eligible for EU quota system in relation to carbon capture their share of greenhouse gas emissions.
- the proposal that a fund of 100 million euros per year is mobilized to make the investments necessary forest both in public forests in private forests.
- the need to capitalize the NFB its ambitions and become a public company senior
- reducing the number of members of its board of directors, the redefinition of its functions and merging the functions of Chairman and Director of the CEO.
- the desire of strengthening relations with the local forest, private forests as a whole, downstream industries, NGOs.
- Strengthening of social dialogue internally.

We for our part believe that all these are steps in the direction of progress and they will create the changes needed to modernize our industry. It remains just an unknown factor: who will be responsible for implementing this policy?

The President of the Republic he will seize the ball and he will propose to reform the governance of the NFB leading to the appointment of a CEO? He could then be Herve Gaymard itself. Or, as discussed since the departure of Pierre Olivier Drege in September, he will appoint a director immediately after the next reshuffle? In any case, in forest, no name is circulating as to who the next manager. Of his stature and his determination will depend the reality of the proposed reforms.

Download Report Gaymard

Friday, October 22, 2010

Request Letter To Disconnect Phone Line

Breakers, Guerlain and Petain

Friday, October 22, 2010

My school is blocked for a week, which reimburses me largely pettiness Rectorial which means we do "catch" the future for the Ascension by the withdrawal of a vacation day to Halloween. On the front
Social operations stalled: after the demonstrations, the government only underscores the declining enrollment, that the shortage of gasoline, the garbage strike, the rioters, operations snails very unpleasant for anyone who finds himself caught in and non-stop music on France-Info. Super Sarko, help! And
Zorro "mounts on the front line," said the brave as David Pujadas. Not true, of course, but surrounded by a duly selected public and protected by hordes of policemen. The thugs, rotting all students and student movements for years, that which is a godsend ...
"These thugs, he insists, we will stop them, we will find them, and we will punish them ..." For the country to Sarkozy, it arrests people before they have found them.
Certainly, the great Karl Marx was right when he lambasted the "lumpen proletariat" strike breaker and complicit goal of big business. Rama Yade confirmed today: many of these young commuter who agitated now have "right values." Their political consciousness is not that of progressivism and class struggle. Their only motivation is greed, easy money, the pleasure of hurting. Their class is the band, ethnicity or religion in the broadest sense of the word primary. Since 1991, when the first major student movement since 1968, we had seen them fall on the center cities, destroy shops, small ransom "bournemouth" high schools "promoted". Breaking the cop has become their hobby. The singer Renaud, who had cradled my youth protest of his words, had finished his day by convince himself. These lads were not there, "his world" and its suburbs to him no more.
Meanwhile, the holidays arrive and Sarko pushes the fires in the Senate. His major reform will pass. Too bad if France is ablaze. The rating agencies will be able to congratulate their little foreman.

Guerlain and Petain, old bastards very convenient. The projection
not wily Jean-Paul Guerlain, October 15 on France 2 ("For once, I started working as a negro. I do not know if the blacks have always worked so hard, but still ... ") made waves, triggered the ire of Audrey Pulvar professionals and anti-racism, apology Elise Lucet and France 2. The beautiful old apologized too, but too late. Will have to make the pilgrimage to Goree with the rope around his neck, man! Petain can not apologize, but he continues to speak of him with the discovery of documents annotated in his hand showing that he had aggravated the racial laws of Vichy. Hou! Hou! With Guerlain and Petain, our right-thinking intellectuals can forget the problems of the moment to indulge in their favorite sport: hunting for a France "moldy" (to paraphrase Sollers), missing or endangered. The Byzantines, they say, quibble about the sex of angels while the Turks were swarming on their walls. I do not know if they were really as stupid, but we have no lessons to give them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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France Wood Forest because of zeal but sends wrong form forest owners

Very many forest owners, individuals or groups, foresters, who have received these past few days a letter from France Wood Forest with a form for the statement of contribution to the CVO (Voluntary Contribution Required).

We can lament the threatening tone of this letter marked "LAST CALL" even though it is, to our knowledge the first installment. Even if no one is "supposed to ignore the law" method seems somewhat cavalier.

Especially as the lightness of FBF does not stop there. She sent a form to forest owners who only concerns commercial or industrial enterprises whose obligation is to pay this contribution on the basis of their turnover from timber sales. This approximation

from FBF exempts yet not every forest owner acquit the CVO, but using another form you can download from this link if you do not asked the cooperative (or its subsidiary UBC) to collect the CVO for your account. (We apologize for the very poor quality of the form France has sent Wood Forest. We are awaiting a more readable version that we will provide you with receipt).

In this case, you simply send an email to FBF at the following address: or fax 01 40 19 81 11 or a post to France Wood Forest - PO Box 65 to 92 202 NEUILLY SUR SEINE - Cédex

This letter must include your name or your group as well as the SIRET extras on the declaration form which was sent to you. On this one simply indicate that you are not concerned because you have entrusted to the care Forests & Bois de l'Est / UBC collect the CVO for your account. Thus, France Wood Forest will be withdrawn from its lists.

careful however if you sold to other buyers who did not make this collection because you have to report these sales and pay the corresponding amounts.

For your convenience in the future, if you have not already done so, we encourage you to ask the collection of this contribution on your next transaction for the sale of wood to the cooperative.

How do I know if the cooperative has collected the CVO for your account?

You can check 2 ways:
- the back of our sales contracts you have ticked the box indicating that you entrust us with this collection. When you have opted for this solution once we collect systematically during all subsequent transactions unless you have told us give it up.

- footer of all bills providing or purchasing wood that we publish for your account is calculated the amount we have collected and donated to France Bois Foret.

If you can not find these documents, please contact our services you indicate your status regarding the collection.

But the fact that what the CVO?

The creation of the Voluntary Contribution Required in the timber industry has been decided by all the professional organizations representing the sector. These include the Federation of Private Forest Union of France and the French Cooperation Forest. So this is a voluntary legal arrangement that made it mandatory for all stakeholders in the timber industry, starting with the public and private forest owners.

This contribution is used to finance development the sector through a variety of actions. The more readable for the general public is the communication campaign to promote wood in construction, broadcast by all major media nationnaux few months ago. This action has very real repercussions for today's forest owners and industry through the significant increase in market share of wood in construction. This increase partly explains the good performance of over softwood even though the economy is still recovering. For more information about the actions of France Bois Forest please visit their website:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Example Of Franchise Proposal

Rot and dhimmitude

Saturday, October 16, 2010

continue Protests, strikes and blockades of all kinds are increasing. But Luc Chatel, a spokesman for the government (and incidentally attendant to the demolition of Education), keeps this silly smile VRP summoned by his superiors to charge the same salad. As usual, we see on our screens scroll the same cohort of business leaders deploring the irresponsible agitation ruin our beautiful country. Oh, we're not in Spain, where the secretary general of the UGT itself after the general strike on Sept. 29, came to apologize and say sorry for having wasted his money compatriots! Our government, encouraged by his support of the financial world and technocrats Brussels says it will not give in on Pensions. The street can not win legitimacy in the parliament, "he said. For it is well known that a national assembly where training wins the most seats with a third party vote is a monument to democratic legitimacy. Faced with ras-le-bol raises widespread France, and far beyond the single issue of pensions, Sarkozy and his clique are rotting. If needed further proof that this president has no sense of the state, nor any understanding for the French people, "that is done

Attali, the dhimmi the rigor
Jacques Attali has been pinned by the site Response secular for about hallucinating about Islam made during a TV show aired one hour confidential. His apology for this religion, to which Europe must make more room, and who would be part of the "cultural roots" of our continent, his hand outstretched to massive immigration, it should the title of "dhimmi" honor. The dhimmi, remember, is the "protected minority" in Islam, Jew or Christian that we do not force conversion, but which must in turn be subjected to harassment for many to make him understand that he has any interest in joining the ranks of the "Ummah", the community of good faith.
Attali is also a big advocate of globalization and postnational happy, the father-of-discipline that lays it regularly comes from reports suggesting recur-strangling a little bit more the welfare state. All ruined in ten years! threat does in his latest book. No, not all, Jacques ... You and yours, the small clique that is cosmopolitan honey from the bear garden that is now infecting the world today, you will not be ruined, since you already are feeding on the blood of peoples, although away in your luxury ghettos. That may be why you want to encourage the Islamic onslaught in the West: the old European churches have lead in the wing, the opium of the people need to be boosted by a booming manly religion, perfectly consistent with the law of the market. It would be better than the leafy suburbs of the suburbs red.
Just a small detail, Jacques ... do you think your "Muslim friends" will make you forget your roots through when they took power from us?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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alcatuiti portofoliul electronic

Creare Portofoliuluï: pasi.

- Create your blog, on any interface, preferably blogspot with nume.prenume.
- Add a comment link to post on your class.

- To help you organize your portfolio unit, you create a main directory named "Portfolio", and it will create subdirectories. This file management system will facilitate the organization and administration of activities in both ongoing and completed portfolio components.

- All documents that are part of the portfolio are saved in these directories, so that both you, as and your colleagues can easily find them.

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The risk young

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The risk young
Ah, youth is the ultimate weapon for the good old days of totalitarian regimes! Ségolène sister, who swears by them since it has transformed schools into incubators for retarded kids, when it raged in the team Jospin, could not help but encourage them to jump into the street. Peacefully of course! Because everything has to happen to the best in the land of Care Bears socialists. Immediately, right rushes into the breach and screams irresponsibility, incitement to riot, and tutti quanti ... Because it scared the piss, right, she is traumatized by May 1968 and December 86, and done the same demagoguery to attack the younger generations who have the ultimate weapon: the ability to flank the bazaar without risking any financial penalty.
In my institution, SNES has understood and gleefully blowing on the embers and painfully awake brain where an embryonic political awareness. Release youth to help the old, why not, after all?

De Profundis
Unlike a Chilean president eager for political exploitation, j 'I waited until the last miner to be blocked out of depths to applaud. Nice technical feat, indeed. Types and extracts the trap seemed even fart on fire! Our President, we have not had this joy with this missing caver. No time to deploy all our national genius, to send him a tube of what eat, play sports and entertainment (we thought it appropriate ship some DVDs, " Germinal," " Day Light " or " The Crypt ") ... but no, it missed. Saboteur!

Mélenchon likes to let go and spit in the mouths of journalists the swell too much with their stupid questions. He is right and it amuses me, but the game gets a little clumsy. Watch out not to turn you in Georges Marchais, comrade!

Lu Xiaobo
The Nobel jury had balls, rewarding the opposing Chinese No. 1 (for Western media) of the Peace Prize. The reactions are delusional in Beijing at the height of arrogance of this Empire, which brooks no criticism of its internal functioning. By cons, in all fairness, I would like to explain what Liu Xaobo made "peace". Nobel courage and the political opposition, OK. But there ... With Walesa in the 1980s, it was the same circus somewhat suspect.

Nobel always
Who remembers? Even before doing something, Barack Obama had also received the Nobel Prize for Peace. So that just ended in total failure as the famous "conference last chance" for Israeli-Palestinian peace under his auspices, we measure the vanity of those fake medals.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cutting Curves In Slate Tile

Sarko the Catholic

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sarko the cathode.

It has escaped anyone, except the last of morons Dinaric Alps, the president of our journey to the land of Benedict XVI was to win back a French Catholic voters that it says "disoriented" and "disappointed" in him. As for the secularists, it has long does it cure, and prefers the cure to the teacher (or the imam at the intellectual, to do more in our modern multicultural societies).
Catholic Friends, I'm thinking more openly, much less practicing, but I still have quite a lot of my education religious. So rest assured I am not saying that you believed a second to the sincerity of this "Mass for France" to which our naboléon lent himself, even elsewhere to take a few discrete remonstrances of attendant sermon. Sarko the Catholic, is a joke, and it has always been the piper. As the little Corsican in its time, Nicolas Sarkozy sees the Church in a way to win elections and retain power. "With my pastors and my soldiers," said Bonaparte, "I want France." Furthermore, this type is the antithesis of Christian, he should be recalled here that it should be: humble, open, welcoming, generous, prefers people to little more wealthy, faithful in friendship as in love, respect others ... Do not throw away, it's true that too much for one man. In any case, it is not him!

Sarkozy or Le Pen?

In these troubled times where the extreme right gaining ground in Europe, including in countries considered particularly tolerant (Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark ...), we want that again the specter of Le Pen ( father and daughter). This terrible threat, which I admit does not prevent me from sleeping, is apparently behind the frenzy anti-Roma and security of our president. The ineffable Alain Minc, moral backing of the wealthy and savage globalization sees no malice. This would be after him with a "Faustian gamble", aiming to prevent some voters from the FN poached in 2007 to return in 2012. Mr. Minc, if he had been adviser to the Centre-right to power in Germany in 1932, would certainly have suggested to adopt several anti-Semitic measures in order to distract the sheep astray by the siren song of the NSDAP: after all, expelling some 20 000 Jews from Germany a year (those of Polish origin, for example), it would not have been a price to pay to prevent Hitler from gaining power, right?
Except that the Minc of the time, just like today, shoves his finger into the eye up the esophagus. In 1932-33, the Nazis have surfed on a wave of discontent due to massive unemployment and the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. Anti-Semitism was only a secondary catalyst after all. Today, they are not illegal immigrants who most exasperate our countrymen, just as our European neighbors, but the daily insecurity (as Sarko never stopped), social insecurity (as Sarko worse), and anxiety breath to see our society by Muslim fundamentalists who nibble from all sides stamped halal.
Moreover, Le Pen is not Hitler, both in ideas, the nature of its movement, or in his character. It is also true that all the objects to Sarkozy: son of a fisherman from Breton cons son petit bourgeois immigrant from Hungary; bon vivant cons maniacal plan and compulsive jogger; wielding character perfectly cultivated the French language against the smug expression doubtful adventurer became an entrepreneur cons avocaillon always hatched by "sponsors" then he has betrayed, a man of conviction cons weathervane professional real lovers of France against an unconditional U.S. ... the gap is huge, and I acknowledge that on the whole, Le Pen seems infinitely more sympathetic. And finally not dangerous, and for one simple reason, which separates again from anyone who claims we 'protect' the old leader of the FN has never wanted power, his main pleasure is to play the tribunes and annoy the 'establishment' as he likes to describe our political-economic-media.
The late Claude Chabrol, who knew him well had made this plain in a TV show some years ago , immediately attracting air pinched by Jacques Attali, this on the same shelf: "Here you do not make me laugh ..." Was not laugh, Jacques, but to think. You know, right?
But there Marine, does one objected. Navy, she wants to "climb". She moderates her speech, but beware of the foul beast, etc ... Oh, Marine! It is true that apart from certain sizes of UMP, she centrist figure. And you want it worry me? And then, someone who was attacked in song by Diam's can only have my respect!

Men and gods ...

Both evangelical Christians Algerian arrested for "violation of Ramadan" has been released. Others still fill the prisons in this wonderful country where Islam was driven underground to better infect the legislation. Bouteflika played with bearded men like Sarkozy with the extreme right: it is their policy to prevent them from taking power!
What happens there, as in almost all Muslim countries, yet we must be alerted. When, by dint of "tolerance" and "openness to difference," the Europeans have given up to affirm their identity to other conquering cultures, they have more than their eyes to weep over their lost liberties. I do not want my son later be forced to hide to eat during Ramadan. I do not want that they can not see girls in the street, a pair of eyes coming out of a bag, or they can hold their hands in public without being attacked by madmen .
Our civilization has adopted a God with a human face, which was gradually put away quietly in private that he does not break too many feet. So much effort and intelligence can not be sacrificed even in the name of a hypothetical civil peace in the suburbs or elsewhere. Sooner or later, this little game, to paraphrase Churchill, we have both war and dishonor.